A.   Application: Application for a zoning certificate shall be filed with the zoning administrator in such form and in such manner as he or she requires. No zoning certificate will be issued by the zoning administrator without meeting the standards listed under this section.
   B.   Standards:
      1.   Parking: Each and every facility shall provide no less than one parking place for every two (2) persons for which the licensed facility provides occupancy. Each off street parking space shall be at least nine feet (9') wide by twenty feet (20') long. Such parking must be provided and arranged in such a manner that any emergency vehicle can drive up to and park within one hundred feet (100') of the main entrance to the facility without being impeded by parked vehicles. The area designated for off street parking must not have a slope greater than eight percent (8%) and shall be surfaced with at least ten inches (10") of compacted aggregate. An off street parking design plan must be submitted. Overnight parking on township, county or state roads adjacent to the facility is prohibited.
      2.   Ingress/Egress: Each and every facility shall provide access roads at a grade no greater than fifteen percent (15%) at any one point and the surface shall be no less than ten inches (10") of compacted aggregate with a ten foot (10') driving surface, one foot (1') shoulders on each side consisting of a material type other than that of the driveway surface grade being one-half inch (1/2") per foot, with four to one (4:1) side slopes off of the shoulder.
      3.   Access Sight Distance: Each and every facility shall have sight distance adequate for road type accessing on and off of as indicated by the AASHTO (American Association Of State Highway And Transportation Officials) "A Policy On Geometric Design Of Highways And Streets", 2001, fourth edition manual, as amended. (Ord. 2009-3, 5-12-2009)
      4.   Building Siting And Orientation: Structures, as defined in chapter 7 of this title, including all outdoor activity areas (excluding detached accessory buildings and fencing) shall be so located on the property as follows:
         a.   Five feet (5') from the side lot line per bedroom, with a minimum of fifteen feet (15') and a maximum requirement of thirty five feet (35').
         b.   Thirty feet (30') from the rear lot line.
         c.   Front setback shall be in accordance with public street setbacks.
            (1)   Major highways (federal or state): Seventy five feet (75') from the property line, or one hundred twenty five feet (125') from the centerline of the right of way, whichever is greater.
            (2)   Primary or secondary thoroughfares (county highways): Sixty feet (60') from the property line, or one hundred ten feet (110') from the centerline of the right of way, whichever is greater.
            (3)   All other streets: Fifty feet (50') from the property line, or eighty feet (80') from the centerline of the right of way, whichever is greater. (Ord. 2015-7, 11-10-2015)
      5.   Outdoor Activity Areas: Each and every facility shall provide adequate screening around any outdoor activity area (e.g., hot tubs and decks) as determined by the zoning administrator. Natural screening shall be at a minimum of no less than three feet (3') in height at time of planting; fencing shall be no less than six feet (6') in height and shall be a solid fence with no more than fifty percent (50%) view through the fence.
      6.   Septic: Each and every facility (if not on central sewer) shall have a septic system designed according to the current Illinois private sewage disposal licensing act and this code.
   C.   Zoning Certificate: A zoning certificate shall be valid for a period no longer than twelve (12) months from the date of issuance unless a guest accommodation license is procured. Zoning certificate shall remain in effect as long as a current license is maintained under the county's guest accommodations ordinance regardless of a change in ownership. (Ord. 2009-3, 5-12-2009)



1. See also title 4, chapter 6 of this code.