A.   Sale, Use Or Delivery Of Drugs: No licensee or employee of any premises licensed under this chapter shall, on the premises or elsewhere, sell, use, possess or deliver, with or without consideration, any cocaine, heroin, cannabis, or any other substance whose possession, sale, use or delivery is controlled by 410 Illinois Compiled Statutes 620/1 et seq.
   B.   Drug Paraphernalia:
      1.   Sale: No licensee or employee of any premises licensed under this chapter shall, on the licensed premises, sell, keep for sale, offer for sale or delivery for any commercial consideration any drug paraphernalia whose sale or delivery is prohibited by the drug paraphernalia control act, 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 600/1 et seq.
      2.   Possession: No licensee or employee of any premises licensed under this chapter shall possess on his person or on the licensed premises in those areas controlled solely by the licensee and not generally open to the public any drug paraphernalia whose sale or delivery is prohibited by the Illinois drug paraphernalia control act, 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 600/1 et seq.
   C.   Violations; Penalties:
      1.   A violation of subsection A of this section by a licensee shall result in the revocation of the license, and all fees paid thereon shall be forfeited.
      2.   A violation of subsection A of this section by an employee of a licensee or a violation of subsection B of this section by a licensee or employee will result in a suspension or revocation of such license.
      3.   In the case of revocation, all fees paid for the license shall be forfeited. (Ord., 11-14-1995)