A.   The judge shall establish, by prescribing rules, consistent with the laws of the state and with the ordinances of the city, a traffic violations bureau.
   B.   The traffic violations bureau shall be staffed by the appointed court clerk.
   C.   The traffic violations bureau shall accept fines which may be paid in lieu of a court appearance, for such traffic offenses as may be designated by the judge under the court's rules.
   D.   All such fines shall be the minimum penalty prescribed for such violation, and no costs shall be assessed.
   E.   In no event shall payment of a fine without court appearance be accepted for a second or subsequent offense of the same violation or driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, leaving the scene of an accident, driving while license to operate a motor vehicle is suspended or revoked, reckless driving, careless driving, or any charge made because of a motor vehicle accident in which personal injury or death occurred.
   F.   Payment of any fine to the traffic violations bureau shall be deemed a final determination of the cause against the defendant. (1985 Code ch. 12 § 1-21)