§ 52.02 DEPOSIT.
   (A)   A deposit of $100 shall be required as prescribed by this section, or for any other reason deemed sufficient by the Utility Billing Manager or the Village Administrator, this sum to be retained by the village to ensure payment of all bills. When service to the applicant is discontinued permanently, this deposit, less any amount still due the village for water service shall be refunded without interest.
   (B)   A deposit shall be required for any account held by the following:
      (1)   A customer who has had water service discontinued due to non-payment any time within the preceding three years;
      (2)   A customer who has received two or more delinquency notices in the previous 12 months;
      (3)   A customer who has received four or more late notices in the previous 12 months; or
      (4)   A customer who is not the owner of record of the property to which water service is being supplied.
   (C)   A deposit may be required for continuation of water service if any of the circumstances in division (B) above arise while the customer is already receiving water service. A customer may request to have his or her deposit refunded if and when the above conditions no longer apply to his or her account.
('52 Code, Ch. 18, § 616) (Am. Ord. 1553-10, passed 12-21-10; Am. Ord. 1805-16, passed 6-7-16) Penalty, see § 52.99