The permit required by § 114.01 shall be issued by the City Clerk/Treasurer upon application therefore, and shall be subject to the following conditions.
   (A)   The permit shall specify the date on which the yard sale is permitted to be conducted.
   (B)   No applicant shall be permitted to conduct a sale or sales for more than six days in any one year. A year is from January 1 to December 31.
   (C)   No applicant shall be permitted to conduct a sale or sales for more than three days in any one month.
   (D)   No applicant shall be permitted to conduct a sale or sales for more than three days in succession.
   (E)   No signs shall be posted on utility poles or street signs and all signs shall be removed after sale. The applicant and physical address or location of any yard sale found to be advertised by any posting upon any utility pole, street sign or public property, or upon any private property without consent, shall be prohibited from any other yard sale, and no permit shall be granted for a period of one year from the violation.
   (F)   No yard sales may be conducted on any Sunday.
   (G)   No yard sales may be held during the three days of the annual Mushroom Festival.
(Prior Code, § 114.03) (Ord. 8-72, passed 8-28-1972; Ord. 3-90, passed 3-27-1990; Ord. 02-2002, passed - -) Penalty, see § 114.99