The following uses are prohibited in a Business B-2 District:
   (a)   Storage involving hazards, such as bulk stations or storage of gasoline or oil above ground, in quantities exceeding 150 gallons;
   (b)   Storage involving odors or dust, such as stockyards for animals or poultry, except farming; and coal yards, except where dust-controlled containers are used;
   (c)   Storage, bailing or treatment of junk, dismantled automobiles, rags, bottles or scrap paper;
   (d)   Manufacture, production or processing of metals, stone, building materials or related products causing the emission of vibration, noise, dust, odors, fumes or hazards, such as a lumber mill, cooperage works, enameling, japanning or lacquering plant, except as an incidental use; shops operating reciprocating hammers or other noise-producing machine-operated tools, except as a minor incidental use; and stone or monument works using power-driven tools or rock crushers;
   (e)   Any nonresidential use prohibited in an industrial district or not unconditionally permitted in an industrial district; or
   (f)   Any other trade, industry or use that is injurious, noxious or offensive to a neighborhood by reason of the emission of odor, fumes, dust, smoke, water-borne waste, vibration, noise or other cause, but not involving theaters or other public meeting places.
(Ord. 77-25, passed 4-28-1977)