In a Business B-2 District, no building, structure or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, altered or enlarged which is arranged, intended or designed for other than one of the following uses:
   (a)   All permitted uses as regulated in the Business B-1 District, except as modified in this section;
   (b)   Any retail store;
   (c)   Any personal service establishment, general business service or night club, theater, pool hall, bowling alley or similar enterprise, subject to all regulations applicable to such permits and licenses as may be required by law;
   (d)   Any bakery, catering establishment, laundry or dyeing and cleaning works;
   (e)   Ice storage and distribution stations;
   (f)   Any plumbing shop; painting and decorating shop, tinsmithing shop, electric repair shop or tire repair shop;
   (g)   Any type of commercial recreation, including baseball fields, swimming pools, skating rinks, golf driving ranges and similar open air facilities;
   (h)   Animal hospitals, veterinary clinics and kennels for display, boarding or treatment of pets and other domestic animals. Any structure or area used for such purposes, including pens and exercise yards, shall be located at least 100 feet from any residential district, and such pens or exercise runs shall be enclosed on four sides by a sight obscuring, unpierced fence or wall at least five feet in height;
   (i)   Automobiles, trucks, trailers or farm implements, for sale, display, hire or repair, including sales lots, used car lots, trailer lots, repair garages, body and fender shops and paint shops, provided that there shall be a minimum distance of 50 feet between the use and any residential district, and provided, further, that the premises shall be enclosed by a solid wall or fence at least five feet in height where it adjoins in the rear or on the sides of any residential district;
   (j)   Public utility stations and services;
   (k)   Bottling of soft drinks and milk or distribution stations, provided that a building used for such processing and distribution shall be at least 100 feet from any residential district boundary;
   (l)   Signs as may be permitted in Chapter 1474 of the Building and Housing Code; and
   (m)   Hospitals for human care, provided that buildings which are used for the treatment of contagious diseases, or for the care of epileptics, drug addicts, the feebleminded or insane, shall be at least 150 feet distance from any lot in any residence district.
(Ord. 77-25, passed 4-28-1977; Am. Ord. 22-65, passed 2-23-2022)