Any person to whom a license required by this chapter has been issued may obtain from the Director of Finance additional copies of such license, upon the face of which shall be stamped “additional license for use of employee.” Before any additional license is operated under, the licensee shall apply in writing to the Director for an endorsement thereon of the name of the employee, and shall provide the Director with the name, age and residence of such employee and a statement that such employee is in fact an employee of the licensee. The Director, if satisfied of the truth of the application, shall make such endorsement. The person whose name is endorsed upon an additional license shall be authorized to operate thereunder as an employee but not otherwise. No person shall operate thereunder except the one whose name is so endorsed thereon. The endorsement upon any additional license shall be deleted by the Director as often as requested by the licensee, and upon the filing of a new application as provided in this section, the name of another employee may be endorsed thereon.