2.22 Rules of Procedure.
   Council may adopt other rules of procedure as are not in conflict with the provisions of this Charter.
2.23 Appointments.
   Council shall vote on Mayoral appointments within thirty days of the date such appointment is presented to the Council by the Mayor. Failure to act within said thirty days shall deem the appointment confirmed.
(Amended 11-4-1986)
2.24 Sergeant-at-Arms.
   It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to detail one policeman to be in attendance at every meeting of Council to act as Sergeant-at-Arms, who shall remain in attendance, subject to the Council’s orders, until granted leave by its presiding officer to retire. Under the direction of the presiding officer of the Council, the Sergeant-at-Arms shall preserve order and decorum, and on the order of the presiding officer shall compel the attendance of absent members when there is not a quorum.
2.25 Councilmen to Attend Meetings.
   It shall be obligatory upon all members of the City Council to attend all regular meetings of the same, and also all special meetings when properly served with notice, unless absence therefrom is unavoidable.
2.26 Reference to Committee.
   Any matter coming before the Council may be referred, by a majority vote of the Council, to any standing committee of the Council, or to the committee of the whole or to a select committee to be appointed as provided for in the motion to commit.