2.09 Signing of Ordinances.
   Every Ordinance or resolution passed by Council shall be signed by the Vice Mayor or two members, and shall be recorded.
2.10 Standing Committees.
   It shall be the duty of the Vice Mayor to appoint at the first meeting after the organization of Council all standing committees for the ensuing term. The first named member of any committee shall be chairman of that committee. The standing committees shall be:
      1.   Finance.
      2.    Public Utilities.
      3.    Annexation.
      4.    Industrial and Commercial Development.
      5.    Parks and Recreation.
   The Vice Mayor shall also appoint such special committees as a majority of Council may at any time order. Every standing or special committee shall consist of three members. No member shall serve on fewer than one nor more than three standing committees. No member shall be chairman of more than one standing committee.
2.11 Order of Business.
   The business at all regular meetings of the Council shall be transacted in the following order:
      1st.   Approval of the Journal.
      2nd.   Hearing from persons in the audience. Same shall continue under the direction of the Chairman unless otherwise ordered by a two-thirds vote of the Council.
      3rd.   Communications and reports.
      4th.   Reports of committees.
      5th.   Ordinances and resolutions.
      6th.   Second reading of ordinances.
      7th.   Third reading of ordinances.
      8th.   Miscellaneous business.
   As used in this Charter, Vice Mayor and Chairman are synonymous terms. The Vice Mayor may, at any time, permit a deviation from the regular order of the same, provided that two-thirds of the members present concur.
2.12 Committee Reports.
   All reports of committees shall be made in writing and signed by the members concurring in such report; and when requested by any member, every motion or proposition shall be reduced to writing before any action is taken thereon. All committee reports must be attached to Council’s agenda and sent to every member of Council at least twenty-four hours prior to the meeting at which the committee report will be considered.