A.   It shall be unlawful for any employer to refuse to hire, accept, register, classify, promote or refer for employment, or to otherwise discriminate in employment against any other person or to discharge any employee because of age, color, creed, disability, gender identity, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation. (Ord. 03-4105, 12-16-2003)
   B.   It shall be unlawful for any labor organization to refuse to admit to membership, apprenticeship or training an applicant, to expel any member, or to otherwise discriminate against any applicant for membership, apprenticeship or training or any member in the privileges, rights or benefits of such membership, apprenticeship or training because of age, color, creed, disability, gender identity, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation of such applicant or member.
   C.   It shall be unlawful for any employer, employment agency, labor organization or the employees or members thereof to directly or indirectly advertise or in any other manner indicate or publicize that individuals are unwelcome, objectionable or not solicited for employment or membership because of age, color, creed, disability, gender identity, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation. (Ord. 95-3697, 11-7-1995)
   D.   Employment policies relating to pregnancy and childbirth shall be governed by the following:
      1.   A written or unwritten employment policy or practice which excludes from employment applicants or employees because of the employee's pregnancy is a prima facie violation of this title.
      2.   Disabilities caused or contributed to by the employee's pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth and recovery therefrom are, for all job related purposes, temporary disabilities and shall be treated as such under any health or temporary disability insurance or sick leave plan available in connection with employment or any written or unwritten employment policies and practices involving terms and conditions of employment as applied to other temporary disabilities.
   E.   It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit or require as a condition of employment of any employee or prospective employee a test for the presence of the antibody to the human immunodeficiency virus. An agreement between an employer, employment agency, labor organization or their employees, agents or members and an employee or prospective employee concerning employment, pay or benefits to an employee or prospective employee in return for taking a test for the presence of the antibody to the human immunodeficiency virus, is prohibited. The prohibitions of this subsection do not apply if the state epidemiologist determines and the director of public health declares through the utilization of guidelines established by the center for disease control of the United States department of health and human services, that a person with a condition related to acquired immune deficiency syndrome poses a significant risk of transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus to other persons in a specific occupation.
   F.   The following are exempted from the provisions of this section:
      1.   Any bona fide religious institution or its educational facility, association, corporation or society with respect to any qualifications for employment based on religion when such qualifications are related to a bona fide religious purpose. A religious qualification for instructional personnel or an administrative officer, serving in a supervisory capacity of a bona fide religious educational facility or religious institution shall be presumed to be a bona fide occupational qualification. (Ord. 94-3647, 11-8-1994)
      2.   An employer or employment agency which chooses to offer employment or advertise for employment to only the disabled or elderly. Any such employment or offer of employment shall not discriminate among the disabled or elderly on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, gender identity, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation. (Ord. 95-3697, 11-7-1995)
      3.   The employment of individuals for work within the home of the employer if the employer or members of the family reside therein during such employment.
      4.   The employment of individuals to render personal service to the person of the employer or members of the employer's family. (Ord. 94-3647, 11-8-1994)
      5.   The employment on the basis of sex in those certain instances where sex is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of a particular business or enterprise. The bona fide occupational qualification shall be interpreted narrowly. (Ord. 03-4105, 12-16-2003)
      6.   A state or federal program designed to benefit a specific age classification which serves a bona fide public purpose. (Ord. 94-3647, 11-8-1994)
      7.   The employment on the basis of disability in those certain instances where presence of disability is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of a particular business or enterprise. The bona fide occupational qualification shall be interpreted narrowly. (Ord. 03-4105, 12-16-2003)
      8.   Any employer who regularly employs less than four (4) individuals. For purposes of this section, individuals who are members of the employer's family shall not be counted as employees. (Ord. 08-4312, 8-11-2008)