The requirements of this section provide for trees along streets to complement and soften the edges of development, to provide a tree canopy for pedestrians, and to define and unify the street edge. (Ord. 05-4186, 12-15-2005)
   A.   Street Trees Adjacent To Public Right Of Way:
      1.   On single frontage lots, one large tree is required for every forty (40) linear feet of frontage or one small tree for every thirty (30) linear feet of frontage, but not less than one tree per lot.
      2.   On lots with more than one frontage, one tree is required for every sixty (60) linear feet of frontage.
      3.   Required trees must be located as follows:
         a.   Trees must be planted on private property adjacent to the right of way, except when subsection A3b or A3c of this section apply. For purposes of this section, "adjacent" means that large trees must be planted within fourteen feet (14') of the right of way line and small trees must be planted within eight feet (8') of the right of way line. All other siting requirements contained in this article must be observed.
         b.   The number of trees required may be reduced by the number of qualifying trees that already exist in the right of way or adjacent to the right of way. To qualify, a tree must meet the requirements of section 14-5E-6, "Preservation Of Existing Trees", of this article.
         c.   Trees that cannot be planted adjacent to the right of way due to a conflict with any provision of this title must be planted within the right of way according to the provisions of subsection B, "Street Trees Within Public Right Of Way", of this section. However, trees that cannot be planted in conformity with the provisions of said subsection B may be omitted.
   B.   Street Trees Within Public Right Of Way:
      1.   Required street trees are to be planted within the right of way only in those cases where trees cannot be planted adjacent to the street right of way in accordance with subsection A of this section.
      2.   Trees planted in the public right of way must meet the following requirements:
         a.   A tree planting permit must be obtained from the city forester.
         b.   Trees may not be planted in the area between a curb and a sidewalk if the width of the planting area is less than nine feet (9'), unless approved by the city forester.
         c.   All other siting requirements contained in section 14-5E-4 of this article must be observed.
         d.   Any tree planted within the street right of way must have a single trunk, with a minimum of four feet (4') from grade to the first branch, at the time of planting and must conform to the requirements of title 10, chapter 8, "Trees And Plant Materials", of this code. (Ord. 05-4186, 12-15-2005; amd. Ord. 12-4472, 4-3-2012)