A.   South Downtown, Park, South Gilbert, And University Subdistricts:
      1.   Intent: The South Downtown, Park, South Gilbert, and University Subdistricts of the Riverfront Crossings District (shaded in dark in figure 2G-3 of this section) are intended for high intensity mixed use development in buildings with active ground floor uses opening onto pedestrian friendly streetscapes. Buildings are designed with facades aligned along public sidewalks with parking and service areas located behind buildings in rear lot and midblock locations.
The University Subdistrict is intended for continued use by the University Of Iowa. While not subject to these standards, new and renovated university facilities should adhere to the standards to the extent feasible. Properties within the University Subdistrict that are not owned by the University of Iowa, however, must fully comply with all applicable standards below.
Figure 2G-3
Subdistrict Locator - South Downtown, Park, South Gilbert, University
      2.   Uses: The principal uses allowed in the South Downtown, Park, South Gilbert, and University Subdistricts are the same as allowed in the CB-5 Zone, as specified in section 14-2C-2, table 2C-1 of this chapter, except as noted below. Provisions and special exception approval criteria that apply in the CB-5 Zone also apply in the South Downtown, Park, South Gilbert, and University Subdistricts, as set forth in chapter 4, article B of this title, except as noted below. In addition, the following restrictions and allowances shall apply:
         a.   In the South Downtown and Park Subdistricts, quick vehicle servicing uses are not allowed on any frontage designated as a primary street frontage, as specified on the regulating plan. In the South Gilbert Subdistrict, quick vehicle servicing uses are not allowed on any frontage designated as a required retail storefront, as specified on the regulating plan. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
         b.   Household living uses shall be allowed within permitted building types as specified in section 14-2G-5 of this article. For multi-family uses, the provisions in section 14-4B-4 of this title are superseded by the standards in this article, and therefore, do not apply. Residential occupancy is limited to one "household" per dwelling unit, as this term is defined in chapter 9, article A, "General Definitions", of this title. The residential occupancy of a household living use is constrained by the provisions of title 17, chapter 5, "Housing Code", of this Code. The maximum number of bedrooms per dwelling unit is three (3). Residential density (units per acre): no maximum. However, in the South Downtown and University Subdistricts for apartment buildings, multi-dwelling buildings and mixed use buildings the number of three bedroom units per lot may not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total number of units on the lot. In the South Gilbert and Park Subdistricts for apartment buildings, multi-dwelling buildings, and mixed use buildings, the number of three bedroom units per lot may not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total number of units on the lot. (Ord. 18-4744, 4-2-2018)
         c.   Residential uses are not allowed within required retail storefronts, as specified on the applicable regulating plan, except in midblock locations along South Gilbert Street, where storefront spaces may be configured as live-work units.
         d.   Independent and fraternal group living uses are allowed by special exception in the South Downtown and University Subdistricts according to the approval criteria set forth in section 14-4B-4 of this title. Residential occupancy is limited to one roomer per three hundred (300) square feet of floor area, not including floor area within a garage or structured parking area. These uses shall be allowed within permitted building types as specified in section 14-2G-5 of this article.
         e.   Assisted group living uses shall be allowed within permitted building types as specified in section 14-2G-5 of this article. Residential occupancy is limited to one roomer per three hundred (300) square feet of floor area, not including floor area within a garage or structured parking area.
         f.   In the Park and South Gilbert Subdistricts, drinking establishments are only allowed in required retail storefronts, as indicated on the regulating plan, and must also meet the applicable drinking establishment spacing requirement.
      3.   Principal Building Placement And Form:
         a.   Building Types:
            (1)   Principal buildings shall comply with section 14-2G-5, "Building Type Standards", of this article. The following building types are permitted in the South Downtown, Park, South Gilbert, and University Subdistricts (see also section 14-2G-5, table 2G-6 of this article):
Table 2G-1
Permitted Building Types - South Downtown, Park, South Gilbert, University
Riverfront Crossings Subdistricts
Permitted Building Types
Cottage Home
Row House
Apartment Building
Multi-Dwelling Building
Live-Work Townhouse
Commercial Building
Mixed Use Building
Liner Building
Civic Or Institutional Building
South Downtown
South Gilbert
(Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
         b.   Building Placement:
            (1)   Principal buildings shall be placed to the front and corner of lots and aligned along setbacks in compliance with the following requirements as shown in figure 2G-4 of this section, except as indicated below: (Ord. 17-4696, 3-7-2017)
               (A)   Primary (A) And Secondary (B) Street Setback: Two feet (2') minimum, eight feet (8') maximum (except as indicated below).
               (B)   Burlington Street Setback: Ten feet (10') minimum, sixteen feet (16') maximum. Along Burlington Street the minimum front setback area must be reserved for pedestrian movement along the street frontage and, therefore, must be integrated with and maintained at the same grade as the public sidewalk. To ensure safe pedestrian movement along the street frontage, at grade entrances are required and elevated terraces, patios, stoops, porticoes, or similar may not encroach into the required minimum setback area. However, outdoor seating and merchandising areas that are level with the sidewalk may encroach up to four feet (4') into the required minimum setback area.
               (C)   Lots Fronting On Pedestrian Streets: Five feet (5') minimum, ten feet (10') maximum from public right of way or access easement. See subsection 14-2G-7B of this article for additional requirements.
               (D)   Ralston Creek Frontage Setback: Five feet (5') minimum from stream corridor buffer line. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
               (E)   South Gilbert Subdistrict: In the south Gilbert subdistrict, for a lot with frontage on both Gilbert Street and Highway 6, the building facade that faces Highway 6 may be aligned along a minimum ten foot (10') wide pedestrianway with abutting perpendicular parking spaces aligned along an east-west drive aisle located between the building and Highway 6. Therefore, the maximum setback along the Highway 6 frontage may be adjusted accordingly. (Ord. 17-4696, 3-7-2017)
               (F)   Side Setback (C): Ten feet (10') minimum or zero feet (0') if building abuts or will abut the adjacent building, except for apartment buildings and multi-dwelling buildings where the minimum is always ten feet (10'). For mixed use buildings, facades on residential floors must be set back at least ten feet (10') from the side lot line.
               (G)   Rear Setback (D): Ten feet (10') minimum or five feet (5') minimum if set back along public alley or private rear lane.
               (H)   Above Third Floor: Above the third floor (or above the second floor if the height of the first 2 stories is at least 30 feet above grade) the maximum setback does not apply.
               (I)   Forecourts: Approved forecourt frontages may exceed the maximum setbacks stated above. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016; amd. Ord. 17-4696, 3-7-2017)
         c.   Building Height And Facade Step Backs:
            (1)   Principal building heights shall be regulated as provided below:
               (A)   In the south downtown subdistrict buildings shall be two (2) stories minimum and eight (8) stories maximum in height above grade.
               (B)   In the park, south Gilbert and university subdistricts, buildings shall be two (2) stories minimum and six (6) stories maximum in height above grade. Single-story buildings may be permitted in midblock locations in the south Gilbert subdistrict.
               (C)   Additional building height may be granted through transfer of development rights or through bonus height provisions as set forth in subsection 14-2G-7G, "Building Height Bonus Provisions", of this article.
               (D)   Building heights may be further restricted by FAA regulations.
            (2)   Upper floor building facades facing and visible from streets, plazas, or parks shall step back ten feet (10') minimum from the lower floor facade as follows:
               (A)   In the south downtown subdistrict above the fifth floor.
               (B)   In the park, south Gilbert, and university subdistricts above the fourth floor.
               (C)   At street corners, tower elements or similar corner emphasis treatments may be exempt from the step back requirement for up to one facade bay (maximum 35 feet) as approved by the FBC committee.
               (D)   The required facade step back may be established at a lower floor than stated above, provided it is established at least thirty feet (30') in height above grade.
         d.   Building Projections:
            (1)   The following building features may project into setbacks as follows:
               (A)   Bay windows, eaves, cornices, belt courses, buttresses, sills, and other similar features: Two feet (2') maximum.
               (B)   Balconies on upper floors may project up to six feet (6') into front setbacks. Balconies may project beyond nonstreet-facing facades on upper floors up to four feet (4') maximum, but shall extend no closer than eight feet (8') from a side or rear lot line, unless said lot line abuts an alley or permanent open space.
               (C)   Canopies, awnings, stoops, terraces, covered building entries, and similar elements as permitted in section 14-2G-4, "Frontage Type Standards", of this article.
            (2)   Awnings and canopies may also project into public rights of way according to the applicable provisions of the building code. Certain permitted signs may also project into public rights of way according to applicable standards set forth in chapter 5, article B, "Sign Regulations", of this title. Projections into the right of way shall not interfere with utilities, street trees and other important right of way features.
            (3)   Arcades and galleries projecting beyond ground level street- facing building facades are not permitted. (An arcade is a facade with an attached colonnade that projects over the sidewalk/walkway with upper story building space above. A gallery is a colonnade that is attached to a ground level facade that projects over the sidewalk/walkway.) Upper floor facades may project (cantilever) up to five feet (5') closer to the streetside property line than the ground level building facade, provided that the upper floor facade does not project into the minimum setback, is at least sixteen feet (16') clear above the level of the sidewalk, and does not include a supporting colonnade within any streetside setback area.
         e.   Building And Frontage Types:
            (1)   Principal buildings and building facades shall be designed in compliance with sections 14-2G-4, "Frontage Type Standards", and 14-2G-5, "Building Type Standards", of this article.
         f.   Facade Continuity:
            (1)   To define pedestrian friendly streetscapes and create a mostly continuous frontage of buildings along primary streets, principal buildings shall occupy a minimum of seventy five percent (75%) of the primary street lot frontage. In the absence of a building along the remainder of the lot frontage, a street screen shall be built in compliance with subsection 14-2G-7D of this article.
      4.   Parking, Loading, And Service Areas:
         a.   Parking: Parking shall be provided using a permitted parking type appropriate for the selected building type in compliance with section 14-2G-6, "Parking Type Standards", of this article, and at the minimum ratios specified in section 14-5A-4, "Minimum Parking Requirements", of this title.
         b.   Parking, Loading, And Service Area Placement And Screening: Parking, loading, and service areas shall be located within and behind principal buildings in compliance with the following requirements as shown in figure 2G-5 of this section:
            (1)   Primary Street, Pedestrian Street, And Designated Ralston Creek Frontage Setback (E) And Screening: (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
               (A)   Surface parking, loading, and service areas: Thirty feet (30') minimum from primary street building facade and located behind fully enclosed, occupied building space, except as allowed in subsection A4b(2)(B) of this section. (Ord. 17-4696, 3-7-2017)
               (B)   Building/structured parking: Thirty feet (30') minimum from the primary street building facade and located behind fully-enclosed, occupied building space, except the setback may be reduced to twenty feet (20') for buildings with ground-level residential uses. (Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
               (C)   Underground parking: Zero feet (0') minimum from primary street building facade.
            (2)   Secondary Street Setback (F) And Screening:
               (A)   Surface parking, loading, and service area: Ten feet (10') minimum and set back three feet (3') minimum from the secondary street building facade and screened by low masonry walls and landscaping as specified for S2 standard, alternative materials (option B), set forth in chapter 5, article F, "Screening And Buffering Standards", of this title. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
               (B)   In the South Gilbert Subdistrict, for a corner lot with frontage on both Gilbert Street and Highway 6, one (1) double loaded aisle of surface parking is permitted within the private frontage area along the Highway 6 frontage. Surface parking must be set back a minimum of ten feet (10') from the Highway 6 right-of- way and screened to the S2 standard. Said surface parking must be set back ten feet (10') minimum from the Gilbert Street right-of-way and three feet (3') minimum from the primary street building facade on Gilbert Street and screened to the S2 standard. (Ord. 17-4696, 3-7-2017)
               (C)   Building/structured parking: Two feet (2') minimum and set back one foot (1') minimum from the secondary street building facade and screened from view by architecturally finished building facades, according to the standards for structured parking set forth in subsection 14-5A-5F of this title.
               (D)   Underground parking: Two feet (2') minimum and set back zero feet (0') minimum from secondary street building facade. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016; amd. Ord. 17-4696, 3-7-2017)
            (3)   Side (G) And Rear (H) Setbacks And Screening:
               (A)   Surface parking, loading, and service area: Must comply with the same side and rear setback requirements as principal buildings, or zero feet (0') where parking is shared with the adjacent property. Setback area shall be landscaped to the S2 standard.
               (B)   Building/structured parking: Must comply with the same side and rear setback requirements as principal buildings. Parking must be screened from view by architecturally finished building facades, according to the standards for structured parking set forth in subsection 14-5A-5F of this title.
               (C)   Underground parking: Must comply with the same side and rear setback requirement as principal buildings.
            (4)   Underground Parking: Underground parking shall be designed to ensure ground floor finished floor elevations meet elevation requirements for permitted frontage types.
            (5)   Buildings With Ground Floor Residential Use: For buildings with ground floor residential use, no surface parking shall be closer than ten feet (10') to any residential portion of a building (i.e., not including portions of the building containing garage space). This ten foot (10') area must be used for walkways and landscaping and/or may be included as part of a larger open space area. If parking spaces are located where headlights of vehicles shine onto a wall containing ground floor windows, said parking spaces must be screened from view of the windows to at least the S2 standard.
         c.   Access To Parking And Service Areas:
            (1)   All parking, loading, and service areas shall be accessed from public alleys, private rear lanes, or driveways on secondary streets consistent with the riverfront crossings plan, except where permitted as specified in subsection A4c(2) of this section.
            (2)   If access from an alley, private rear lane, or driveway from the secondary street is not feasible due to topography, site conditions, configuration of the lot, and/or other constraints, access to a primary street may be granted by the FBC Committee. Any request for a curb cut on an arterial street will be reviewed according to the applicable provisions set forth in section 14-5C-6, "Arterial Street Access Requirements", of this title.
         d.   Construction And Design Standards For Parking Areas:
            (1)   The following subsections of section 14-5A-5, "Construction And Design Standards", of this title shall apply:
               A.   Purpose.
               B.   Paving materials.
               C.   Parking and stacking space size.
               D.   Drainage.
               E.   Location.
               F.   Standards for structured parking.
               H.   Design and layout of surface parking areas.
               I.   Landscaping and tree requirements within parking areas.
               J.   Screening and setback requirements.
               K.   Design of bicycle parking areas.
      5.   Accessory Uses, Buildings And Structures:
         a.   Accessory uses, buildings and structures shall comply with the provisions of chapter 4, article C of this title. However, if the provisions contained in the Riverfront Crossings Code are more specific or restrictive, said provisions shall supersede the provisions of chapter 4, article C of this title.
         b.   Garages and parking structures must be located and constructed in compliance with the provisions of subsection A4, "Parking, Loading, And Service Areas", of this section.
         c.   Accessory buildings other than garages and parking structures must be located behind principal buildings according to the same setback standards as surface parking. Facades of accessory buildings within public view must be architecturally finished in a manner that is consistent with the principal building. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
   B.   Central Crossings And Orchard Subdistricts And Eastside Mixed Use District:
      1.   Intent: The Central Crossings Subdistrict is intended for moderate intensity mixed use development in buildings with entries opening onto pedestrian friendly public streets and streetscapes. The Eastside Mixed Use District is intended for lower intensity mixed use and residential development in buildings with street-facing entries opening onto pedestrian friendly streetscapes that provide a transition between higher intensity mixed use areas in downtown Iowa City and residential neighborhoods to the east. The Orchard Subdistrict is intended for lower intensity residential development in buildings with street-facing entries opening onto pedestrian-friendly streetscapes that provide a transition between higher intensity mixed-use areas along Riverside Drive and low-scale residential neighborhoods to the west. Buildings are designed with facades aligned along primary streets and parking located within buildings behind active uses and in mid-block parking lots and structures.
      2.   Uses: The principal uses allowed in the Central Crossings Subdistrict, Orchard Subdistrict and Eastside Mixed Use District are the same as allowed in the CB-5 Zone, as specified in section 14-2C-2, table 2C-1 of this chapter, except as noted below. Provisions and special exception approval criteria that apply in the CB-5 Zone also apply in these districts as set forth in chapter 4, article B of this title, except as noted below. In addition, the following restrictions and allowances shall apply: (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016; amd. Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
         a.   In the Orchard Subdistrict, commercial and industrial uses are not allowed, except in live-work townhouses, which may contain commercial uses allowed in the CB-5 Zone, provided the building is constructed to accommodate such uses and provided the use is not prohibited in the list below. Quick vehicle service uses are not allowed. (Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
         b.   In the Central Crossings Subdistrict, quick vehicle servicing uses are not allowed on any frontage designated as primary street or Ralston Creek frontage, as specified in the Riverfront Crossings regulating plan. In the Eastside Mixed Use District, quick vehicle servicing uses are not allowed, except by special exception on property at the corner of Burlington and Van Buren Streets. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016; amd. Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
         c.   Household living uses shall be allowed within permitted building types as specified in section 14-2G-5 of this article. For multi-family uses, the provisions in section 14-4B-4 of this title are superseded by the standards in this article and, therefore, do not apply. Residential occupancy is limited to one "household" per dwelling unit, as this term is defined in chapter 9, article A, "General Definitions", of this title. The residential occupancy of a household living use is constrained by the provisions of title 17, chapter 5, "Housing Code", of this title. The maximum number of bedrooms per dwelling unit is three (3). Residential density (units per acre): no maximum. However, in the Central Crossings Subdistrict for apartment buildings, multi-dwelling buildings and mixed use buildings the number of three-bedroom units per lot may not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total number of units on the lot, except for south of the Iowa-Interstate Rail Line, where the number of three-bedroom units for these building types may not exceed twenty percent (20%). In the Eastside Mixed Use District and Orchard Subdistrict, the number of three-bedroom units for these building types may not exceed twenty percent (20%). (Ord. 18-4744, 4-2-2018)
         d.   Residential uses are not allowed within required retail storefronts, as specified in the Riverfront Crossings regulating plan, except in the Central Crossings Subdistrict for housing subsidized by a Federal or State program that requires at least sixty percent (60%) of the units to be rent restricted and income restricted. (Ord. 18-4768, 9-18-2018)
         e.   Assisted group living uses shall be allowed within permitted building types as specified in section 14-2G-5 of this article. Residential occupancy is limited to one roomer per three hundred (300) square feet of floor area, not including floor area within a garage or structured parking area.
         f.   Drinking establishments are not allowed.
         g.   Animal related commercial, repair oriented retail, and alcohol sales oriented retail uses are not allowed in the Eastside Mixed Use District and Orchard Subdistrict.
         h.   In the Eastside Mixed Use District and Orchard Subdistrict, commercial recreational uses, eating establishments, sales oriented retail, and personal service oriented retail uses shall not be open to the public between the hours of eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. and six o'clock (6:00) A.M., except if located in a storefront with frontage on Van Buren Street or Burlington Street.
      3.   Principal Building Placement And Form:
         a.   Building Types:
            (1)   Principal buildings shall comply with section 14-2G-5, "Building Type Standards", of this article. The following building types are permitted in the Central Crossings Subdistrict, Orchard Subdistrict and the Eastside Mixed Use District (see also section 14-2G-5, table 2G-6 of this article):
Permitted Building Types
Cottage Home
Apartment Building
Multi- Dwelling Building
Live-Work Townhouse
Commercial Building
Mixed-Use Building
Liner Building
Civic Or Institutional Building
Central Crossings
Eastside Mixed Use
   1.    Only allowed on properties with frontage on Van Buren Street or Burlington Street.
   2.    Only allowed in locations with frontage on Orchard Street.
(Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016; amd. Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
         b.   Building Placement:
            (1)   Principal buildings shall be placed to the front and corner of lots and aligned along setbacks in compliance with the following requirements as shown in figure 2G-7 of this section.
               (A)   Primary (A) and secondary (B) street setback:
                  (i)   Central Crossings: Ten feet (10') minimum, sixteen feet (16') maximum.
                  (ii)   Eastside Mixed Use:
                     (a)   Primary (A): Twenty feet (20') minimum, thirty feet (30') maximum.
                     (b)   Secondary (B): Ten feet (10') minimum, twenty feet (20') maximum. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
                  (iii)   Orchard: Six feet (6') minimum, twelve feet (12') maximum. (Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
               (B)   Lots fronting on pedestrian streets: Five feet (5') minimum, ten feet (10') maximum from public right- of-way or access easement. See subsection 14-2G-7B of this article for additional requirements.
               (C)   Ralston Creek frontage setback: Five feet (5') minimum from stream corridor buffer line.
               (D)   Side setback (C): Ten feet (10') minimum or zero feet (0') if building abuts or will abut the adjacent building, except for apartment buildings and multi-dwelling buildings where the minimum is always ten feet (10'). For mixed use buildings, facades on residential floors must be set back at least ten feet (10') from the side lot line.
               (E)   Rear setback (D): Ten feet (10') minimum or five feet (5') minimum if set back along public alley or private rear lane. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
               (F)   In the Central Crossings Subdistrict and Eastside Mixed Use District, the maximum setback does not apply above the second floor. In the Orchard District, the maximum setback does not apply above the second floor and is increased to a maximum of twenty five feet (25') above the first floor. (Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
               (G)   Approved forecourt frontages may exceed the maximum setbacks stated above. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
               (H)   In the Orchard District, thirty feet (30') minimum from RS-8 Zone boundary. (Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
         c.   Building Height And Facade Stepbacks:
            (1)   Central Crossings: Except as provided below, principal buildings shall be four (4) stories maximum in height above grade.
               (A)   Additional building height may be granted through transfer of development rights or through bonus height provisions as set forth in subsection 14-2G-7G, "Building Height Bonus Provisions", of this article.
               (B)   Building heights may be further restricted by FAA regulations. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
            (2)   Eastside Mixed Use and Orchard: Principal buildings shall be three (3) stories maximum in height above grade. (Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
            (3)   In the Central Crossings Subdistrict above the third floor, building facades facing and visible from streets, plazas, or parks shall step back ten feet (10') minimum from the lower floor facade. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016; amd. Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
               (A)   At street corners, tower elements or similar corner emphasis treatments may be exempt from the step back requirement for up to one (1) facade bay (maximum 35 feet) as approved by the FBC Committee.
               (B)   The required facade step back may be established at a lower floor than stated above, provided it is established at least thirty feet (30') in height above grade. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
            (4)   In the Orchard Subdistrict, above the second floor, building facades facing streets and RS-8 Zone boundaries shall step back ten feet (10') minimum, twenty five feet (25') maximum from the lower floor facade. At street corners, tower elements or similar corner emphasis treatments may be exempt from the stepback requirement for up to one (1) facade bay (maximum 35 feet) as approved by the FBC Committee. Alternatively, if approved by the FBC, the required facade stepback may be established above the first floor or may be tiered with the ten foot (10') minimum stepback achieved with smaller stepbacks above both the first and second stories. (Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
         d.   Building Projections:
            (1)   The following building features may project into setbacks as follows:
               (A)   Bay windows, eaves, roof overhangs, cornices, belt courses, buttresses, sills, and other similar features: Two feet (2') maximum.
               (B)   Balconies on upper floors may project up to six feet (6') into front setbacks. Balconies may project beyond nonstreet-facing facades on upper floors up to four feet (4') maximum, but shall extend no closer than eight feet (8') from a side or rear lot line, unless said lot line abuts an alley or permanent open space.
               (C)   Canopies, awnings, stoops, terraces, covered building entries, and similar elements as permitted in section 14-2G-4, "Frontage Type Standards", of this article.
            (2)   Awnings and canopies may also project into public rights-of- way according to the applicable provisions of the building code. Certain permitted signs may also project into public rights-of- way according to applicable standards set forth in chapter 5, article B, "Sign Regulations", of this title. Projections into the right-of-way shall not interfere with utilities, street trees and other important right-of-way features.
            (3)   Arcades and galleries projecting beyond ground level street- facing building facades are not permitted. (An arcade is a facade with an attached colonnade that projects over the sidewalk/walkway with upper story building space above. A gallery is a colonnade that is attached to a ground level facade that projects over the sidewalk/walkway.) Upper floor facades may not project closer to the streetside property line than the ground level building facade, except for building features noted above.
         e.   Building And Frontage Types:
            (1)   Principal buildings and building facades shall be designed in compliance with sections 14-2G-4, "Frontage Type Standards", and 14-2G-5, "Building Type Standards", of this article. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
         f.   Facade Continuity:
            (1)   Central Crossings and Orchard: To define pedestrian friendly streetscapes and create a mostly continuous frontage of buildings along primary streets, principal buildings shall occupy a minimum of seventy five percent (75%) of the primary street lot frontage. Only in the Central Crossings Subdistrict, in the absence of a building along the remainder of the lot frontage, a street screen shall be built in compliance with subsection 14-2G-7D of this article. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016; amd. Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
            (2)   Eastside Mixed Use: To define pedestrian friendly streetscapes while maintaining a lower intensity development character along primary streets, principal buildings shall occupy a minimum of fifty percent (50%) and a maximum of seventy five percent (75%) of the primary street lot frontage.
      4.   Parking, Loading, And Service Areas:
         a.   Parking: Parking shall be provided using a permitted parking type appropriate for the selected building type in compliance with section 14-2G-6, "Parking Type Standards", of this article and at the minimum ratios specified in section 14-5A-4, "Minimum Parking Requirements", of this title.
         b.   Parking, Loading, And Service Area Placement And Screening: Parking, loading, and service areas shall be located within and behind principal buildings in compliance with the following requirements as shown in figure 2G-8 of this section.
            (1)   Primary Street, Pedestrian Street, And Designated Ralston Creek Frontage Setback (E) And Screening:
               (A)   Surface parking and service areas: Thirty feet (30') minimum from primary street building facade and located behind fully enclosed, occupied building space. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
               (B)   Building/structured parking: Thirty feet (30') min. from the primary street building facade and located behind fully-enclosed, occupied building space, except the setback may be reduced to twenty feet (20') for buildings with ground-level residential uses. (Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
               (C)   Underground parking: Zero feet (0') minimum from primary street building facade.
            (2)   Secondary Street Setback (F) And Screening:
               (A)   Surface parking, loading, and service area: Ten feet (10') minimum and set back three feet (3') minimum from the secondary street building facade and screened by low masonry walls and landscaping as specified for S2 standard, alternative materials (option B), set forth in chapter 5, article F, "Screening And Buffering Standards", of this title. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
               (B)   Building/structured parking: One foot (1') minimum from the secondary street building facade and screened from public view by architecturally finished building facades, according to the standards for structured parking set forth in subsection 14-5A-5F of this title. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016; amd. Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
               (C)   Underground parking: Ten feet (10') minimum and set back zero feet (0') minimum from secondary street building facade.
            (3)   Side (G) And Rear (H) Setbacks And Screening:
               (A)   Surface parking, loading, and service area: Must comply with the same side and rear setback requirements as principal buildings, or zero feet (0') where parking is shared with the adjacent property. Setback area shall be landscaped to the S2 standard.
               (B)   Building/structured parking: Must comply with the same side and rear setback requirements as principal buildings. Parking must be screened from view by architecturally finished building facades, according to the standards for structured parking set forth in subsection 14-5A-5F of this title.
               (C)   Underground parking: Must comply with the same side and rear setback requirement as principal buildings.
            (4)   Underground Parking: Underground parking shall be designed to ensure ground floor finished floor elevations meet elevation requirements for permitted frontage types.
            (5)   Buildings With Ground Floor Residential Use: For buildings with ground floor residential use, no surface parking shall be closer than ten feet (10') to any residential portion of a building (i.e., not including portions of the building containing garage space). This ten foot (10') area must be used for walkways and landscaping and/or may be included as part of a larger open space area. If parking spaces are located where headlights of vehicles shine onto a wall containing ground floor windows, said parking spaces must be screened from view of the windows to at least the S2 standard.
         c.   Access To Parking, Loading, And Service Areas:
            (1)   All parking, loading, and service areas shall be accessed from public alleys, private rear lanes or driveways on secondary streets consistent with the applicable regulating plan, except as allowed in subsection B4c(2) of this section.
            (2)   If access from an alley, private rear lane, or driveway from the secondary street is not feasible due to topography, site conditions, configuration of the lot, and/or other constraints, access to a primary street may be granted by the FBC committee. Any request for a curb cut on an arterial street will be reviewed according to the applicable provisions set forth in section 14-5C-6, "Arterial Street Access Requirements", of this title.
         d.   Construction And Design Standards For Parking And Loading Areas:
            (1)   The following subsections of section 14-5A-5, "Construction And Design Standards", of this title shall apply:
               A.   Purpose.
               B.   Paving materials.
               C.   Parking and stacking space size.
               D.   Drainage.
               E.   Location.
               F.   Standards for structured parking.
               H.   Design and layout of surface parking areas.
               I.   Landscaping and tree requirements within parking areas.
               J.   Screening and setback requirements.
               K.   Design of bicycle parking areas.
      5.   Accessory Uses, Buildings And Structures:
         a.   Accessory uses, buildings and structures shall comply with the provisions of chapter 4, article C of this title. However, if the provisions contained in this article are more specific or restrictive, said provisions shall supersede the provisions of chapter 4, article C of this title.
         b.   Garages and parking structures must be located and constructed in compliance with the provisions of subsection B4, "Parking, Loading, And Service Areas", of this section.
         c.   Accessory buildings other than garages and parking structures must be located behind principal buildings according to the same setback standards as surface parking. Facades of accessory buildings within public view must be architecturally finished in a manner that is consistent with the principal building.
   C.   Gilbert Subdistrict:
      1.   Intent: The Gilbert subdistrict (shaded in dark in figure 2G-9 of this section) is intended for lower intensity mixed use development in buildings with street-facing entries opening onto pedestrian friendly streetscapes. Buildings are designed with facades aligned along primary streets, modest setbacks, and parking located within buildings behind active uses and in midblock parking lots. This area is intended to create a transition between higher intensity mixed use areas and lower to medium intensity residential areas.
Figure 2G-9
Subdistrict Locator - Gilbert
      2.   Uses: The principal uses allowed in the Gilbert Subdistrict are the same as allowed in the CB-5 Zone, as specified in section 14-2C-2, table 2C-1 of this chapter. Provisions and special exception approval criteria that apply in the CB-5 Zone also apply in the Gilbert Subdistrict as set forth in chapter 4, article B of this title, except as noted below. In addition, the following restrictions and allowances shall apply: (Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
         a.   Household living uses shall be allowed within permitted building types as specified in section 14-2G-5 of this article. For multi-family uses, the provisions in section 14-4B-4 of this title are superseded by the standards in this article and, therefore, do not apply. Residential occupancy is limited to one "household" per dwelling unit, as this term is defined in chapter 9, article A, "General Definitions", of this title. The residential occupancy of a household living use is constrained by the provisions of title 17, chapter 5, "Housing Code", of this Code. The maximum number of bedrooms per dwelling unit is three (3). Residential density (units per acre): no maximum. However, for apartment buildings, multi-dwelling buildings and mixed use buildings the number of three-bedroom units per lot may not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total number of units on the lot, except for south of the Iowa-Interstate Rail Line, where the number of three-bedroom units for these building types may not exceed twenty percent (20%). (Ord. 18-4744, 4-2-2018)
         b.   Residential uses are not allowed within required retail storefronts, as specified in the riverfront crossings regulating plan.
         c.   Assisted group living uses shall be allowed within permitted building types as specified in section 14-2G-5 of this article. Residential occupancy is limited to one roomer per three hundred (300) square feet of floor area, not including floor area within a garage or structured parking area.
         d.   Building trade uses shall be allowed on properties located south of the Iowa-Interstate Railroad, provided all aspects of the operation are conducted indoors and, except for fleet vehicle parking, outdoor storage of materials and equipment is not allowed.
         e.   Drinking establishments are not allowed.
      3.   Principal Building Placement And Form:
         a.   Building Types:
            (1)   Principal buildings shall comply with section 14-2G-5, "Building Type Standards", of this article. The following building types are permitted in the Gilbert Subdistrict (see also section 14-2G-5, table 2G-6 of this article):
Riverfront Crossings Subdistricts
Permitted Building Types
Cottage Home
Row House
Apartment Building
Multi- Dwelling Building
Live-Work Townhouse
Commercial Building
Mixed Use Building
Liner Building
Civic Or Institutional Building
         b.   Building Placement:
            (1)   Principal buildings shall be placed to the front and corner of lots and aligned along setbacks in compliance with the following requirements as shown in figure 2G-10 of this section.
               (A)   Primary (A) and secondary (B) street setback: Ten feet (10') minimum, twenty feet (20') maximum.
               (B)   Lots fronting on pedestrian streets: Five feet (5') minimum, ten feet (10') maximum from public right of way or access easement. See subsection 14-2G-7B of this article for additional requirements.
               (C)   Side setback (C): Ten feet (10') minimum or zero feet (0') if building abuts or will abut the adjacent building, except for apartment buildings, multi-dwelling buildings, and cottage homes where the minimum is always ten feet (10'). For mixed use buildings, facades on residential floors must be set back at least ten feet (10') from the side lot line.
               (D)   Rear setback (D): Ten feet (10') minimum.
               (E)   Above the third floor (or above the second floor if the height of the first 2 stories is at least 30 feet above grade) the maximum setback does not apply.
               (F)   Approved forecourt frontages may exceed the maximum setbacks stated above.
         c.   Building Height And Facade Step Backs:
            (1)   Except as provided below, principal buildings shall be three (3) stories maximum in height above grade.
               (A)   Additional building height may be granted through transfer of development rights or through bonus height provisions as set forth in subsection 14-2G-7G, "Building Height Bonus Provisions", of this article.
            (2)   Above the third floor, building facades facing and visible from public streets, plazas, or parks shall step back ten feet (10') minimum from the lower floor facade.
               (A)   At street corners, tower elements or similar corner emphasis treatments may be exempt from the step back requirement for up to one facade bay (maximum 35 feet) as approved by the FBC committee.
               (B)   The required facade step back may be established at a lower floor than stated above, provided it is established at least thirty feet (30') in height above grade.
         d.   Building Projections:
            (1)   The following building features may project into setbacks as follows:
               (A)   Bay windows, eaves, roof overhangs, cornices, belt courses, buttresses, sills, and other similar features: Two feet (2') maximum.
               (B)   Balconies on upper floors may project up to six feet (6') into front setbacks. Balconies may project beyond nonstreet-facing facades on upper floors up to four feet (4') maximum, but shall extend no closer than eight feet (8') from a side or rear lot line, unless said lot line abuts an alley or permanent open space.
               (C)   Canopies, awnings, stoops, terraces, covered building entries, and similar elements as permitted in section 14-2G-4, "Frontage Type Standards", of this article.
            (2)   Awnings and canopies may also project into public rights of way according to the applicable provisions of the building code. Certain permitted signs may also project into public rights of way according to applicable standards set forth in chapter 5, article B, "Sign Regulations", of this title. Projections into the right of way shall not interfere with utilities, street trees, and other important right of way features.
            (3)   Arcades and galleries projecting beyond ground level street- facing building facades are not permitted. (An arcade is a facade with an attached colonnade that projects over the sidewalk/walkway with upper story building space above. A gallery is a colonnade that is attached to a ground level facade that projects over the sidewalk/walkway.) Upper floor facades may not project closer to the streetside property line than the ground level building facade, except for building features noted above.
         e.   Building And Frontage Types:
            (1)   Principal buildings and building facades shall be designed in compliance with sections 14-2G-4, "Frontage Type Standards", and 14-2G-5, "Building Type Standards", of this article.
         f.   Facade Continuity:
            (1)   To define pedestrian friendly streetscapes while maintaining a lower intensity development character along primary streets, principal buildings shall occupy a minimum of fifty percent (50%) and a maximum of seventy five percent (75%) of the primary street lot frontage.
      4.   Parking, Loading, And Service Areas:
         a.   Parking: Parking shall be provided using a permitted parking type appropriate for the selected building type in compliance with section 14-2G-6, "Parking Type Standards", of this article and at the minimum ratios specified in section 14-5A-4, "Minimum Parking Requirements", of this title.
         b.   Parking, Loading, And Service Area Placement And Screening: Parking, loading, and service areas shall be located within, behind and to the side of principal buildings in compliance with the following requirements as shown in figure 2G-11 of this section.
            (1)   Primary Street, Pedestrian Street, And Designated Ralston Creek Frontage Setback (E) And Screening:
               (A)   Surface parking, loading, and service area: Thirty feet (30') minimum from primary street building facade and located behind fully enclosed, occupied building space.
               (B)   Surface parking located to the side of buildings: Ten feet (10') minimum from the streetside property line (E') and set back three feet (3') minimum from the primary street building facade (E) and screened by low masonry walls and landscaping as specified for S2 standard, alternative materials (option B), set forth in chapter 5, article F, "Screening And Buffering Standards", of this title. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
               (C)   Building/structured parking: Thirty feet (30') minimum from the primary street building facade and located behind fully-enclosed, occupied building space, except the setback may be reduced to twenty feet (20') for buildings with ground-level residential uses. (Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
               (D)   Underground parking: Zero feet (0') minimum from primary street building facade.
            (2)   Secondary Street Setback (F) And Screening:
               (A)   Surface parking, loading, and service area: Ten feet (10') minimum and located three feet (3') minimum from the secondary street building facade and screened by low masonry walls and landscaping as specified for S2 standard, alternative materials (option B), set forth in chapter 5, article F, "Screening And Buffering Standards", of this title.
               (B)   Building/structured parking: Ten feet (10') minimum and set back one foot (1') minimum from the secondary street building facade and screened from view by architecturally finished building facades, according to the standards for structured parking set forth in subsection 14-5A-5F of this title.
               (C)   Underground parking: Ten feet (10') minimum and set back zero feet (0') minimum from secondary street building facade.
            (3)   Side (G) And Rear (H) Setbacks And Screening:
               (A)   Surface parking, loading, and service area: Five feet (5') minimum or zero feet (0') where parking is shared with the adjacent property. Setback area shall be landscaped to the S2 standard.
               (B)   Building/structured parking: Must comply with the same side and rear setback requirements as principal buildings. Parking must be screened from view by architecturally finished building facades, according to the standards for structured parking set forth in subsection 14-5A-5F of this title.
               (C)   Underground parking: Must comply with the same side and rear setback requirements as principal buildings.
            (4)   Underground Parking: Underground parking shall be designed to ensure ground floor finished floor elevations meet elevation requirements for permitted frontage types.
            (5)   Buildings With Ground Floor Residential Use: For buildings with ground floor residential use, no surface parking shall be closer than ten feet (10') to any residential portion of a building (i.e., not including portions of the building containing garage space). This ten foot (10') area must be used for walkways and landscaping and/or may be included as part of a larger open space area. If parking spaces are located where headlights of vehicles shine onto a wall containing ground floor windows, said parking spaces must be screened from view of the windows to at least the S2 standard.
         c.   Access To Parking, Loading, And Service Areas:
            (1)   All parking, loading, and service areas shall be accessed from public alleys, private rear lanes or driveways on secondary streets consistent with the riverfront crossings plan, except as allowed in subsection C4c(2) of this section.
            (2)   If access from an alley, private rear lane, or driveway from the secondary street is not feasible due to topography, site conditions, configuration of the lot, and/or other constraints, access to a primary street may be granted by the FBC Committee. Any request for a curb cut on an arterial street will be reviewed according to the applicable provisions set forth in section 14-5C-6, "Arterial Street Access Requirements", of this title.
         d.   Construction And Design Standards For Parking And Loading Areas:
            (1)   The following subsections of section 14-5A-5, "Construction And Design Standards", of this title shall apply:
               A.   Purpose.
               B.   Paving materials.
               C.   Parking and stacking space size.
               D.   Drainage.
               E.   Location.
               F.   Standards for structured parking.
               H.   Design and layout of surface parking areas.
               I.   Landscaping and tree requirements within parking areas.
               J.   Screening and setback requirements.
               K.   Design of bicycle parking areas.
      5.   Accessory Uses, Buildings And Structures:
         a.   Accessory uses, buildings and structures shall comply with the provisions of chapter 4, article C of this title. However, if the provisions contained in the riverfront crossings code are more specific or restrictive, said provisions shall supersede the provisions of chapter 4, article C of this title.
         b.   Garages and parking structures must be located and constructed in compliance with the provisions of subsection C4, "Parking, Loading, And Service Areas", of this section.
         c.   Accessory buildings other than garages and parking structures must be located behind or to the side of principal buildings according to the same setback standards as surface parking. Facades of accessory buildings within public view must be architecturally finished in a manner that is consistent with the principal building.
   D.   West Riverfront Subdistrict:
      1.   Intent: The west riverfront subdistrict (shaded in dark in figure 2G-12 of this section) is intended for commercial and mixed use development in buildings with street-facing entries opening onto streetscapes designed to provide a comfortable and attractive environment for pedestrians buffered from vehicular traffic on Riverside Drive. Along the west side of Riverside Drive south of Benton Street, buildings are designed with facades fronting onto a pedestrianway and perpendicular parking aligned along a continuous north-south travelway allowing cross parcel connections among adjacent sites and a reduction in curb cuts along Riverside Drive. Along the Iowa River, buildings are located, oriented, and designed to take advantage of river views. Along streets in this district, buildings are designed with facades aligned parallel to Riverside Drive, Benton Street, and Sturgis Corner Drive, with parking located in midblock and side yard locations with front yard parking only along the west side of Riverside Drive south of Benton Street, and along some portions of Orchard Street and Highway 6.
Figure 2G-12
Subdistrict Locator - West Riverfront
      2.   Uses: The principal uses allowed in the West Riverfront Subdistrict are the same as allowed in the CB-5 Zone, as specified in section 14-2C-2, table 2C-1 of this chapter. Provisions and special exception approval criteria that apply in the CB-5 Zone also apply in the West Riverfront Subdistrict, as set forth in chapter 4, article B of this title, except as noted below. In addition, the following restrictions and allowances shall apply: (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
         a.   Household living uses shall be allowed within permitted building types as specified in section 14-2G-5 of this article. For multi-family uses, the provisions in section 14-4B-4 of this title are superseded by the standards in this article and, therefore, do not apply. Residential occupancy is limited to one "household" per dwelling unit, as this term is defined in chapter 9, article A, "General Definitions", of this title. The residential occupancy of a household living use is constrained by the provisions of title 17, chapter 5, "Housing Code", of this Code. The maximum number of bedrooms per dwelling unit is three (3). Residential density (units per acre): no maximum. However, for apartment buildings, multi-dwelling buildings and mixed use buildings the number of three-bedroom units per lot may not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total number of units on the lot; south of Benton Street, the number of three-bedroom units for these building types may not exceed twenty percent (20%). (Ord. 18-4744, 4-2-2018)
         b.   Assisted group living uses shall be allowed within permitted building types as specified in section 14-2G-5 of this article. Residential occupancy is limited to one roomer per three hundred (300) square feet of floor area, not including floor area within a garage or structured parking area.
         c.   Residential uses are not allowed within required retail storefronts, as specified in the riverfront crossings regulating plan.
         d.   Outdoor commercial recreational uses shall be allowed by special exception. The Board of Adjustment may modify subdistrict standards as appropriate for the specific use.
         e.   Building trade uses shall be allowed, provided all aspects of the operation are conducted indoors and, except for fleet vehicle parking, outdoor storage of materials and equipment is not allowed.
         f.   Drinking establishments must meet the applicable drinking establishment spacing requirement.
      3.   Principal Building Placement And Form:
         a.   Building Types:
            (1)   Principal buildings shall comply with section 14-2G-5, "Building Type Standards", of this article. The following building types are permitted in the West Riverfront Subdistrict (see also section 14-2G-5, table 2G-6 of this article):
Riverfront Crossings Subdistricts
Permitted Building Types
Cottage Home
Row House
Apartment Building
Multi- Dwelling Building
Live-Work Townhouse
Commercial Building
Mixed Use Building
Liner Building
Civic Or Institutional Building
West riverfront
         b.   Building Placement:
            (1)   Principal buildings shall be placed to the front and corner of lots and aligned along setbacks in compliance with the following requirements as shown in figure 2G-13 of this section, except as allowed in subsections D3b(2), D3b(3), and D3b(4) of this section.
               (A)   Primary (A) and secondary (B) street setback: Ten feet (10') minimum, twenty feet (20') maximum.
               (B)   Lots fronting on pedestrian streets: Five feet (5') minimum, ten feet (10') maximum from public right of way or access easement. Pedestrian streets that provide frontage for buildings located along the riverfront shall provide a connection through the block between the riverfront trail and the intersecting public street. See subsection 14-2G-7B of this article for additional requirements.
               (C)   Side setback (C): Ten feet (10') minimum or zero feet (0') if building abuts or will abut the adjacent building, except for apartment buildings and multi-dwelling buildings where the minimum is always ten feet (10'). For mixed use buildings, facades on residential floors must be set back at least ten feet (10') from the side lot line.
               (D)   Rear setback (D): Ten feet (10') minimum.
               (E)   Above the third floor (or above the second floor if the height of the first 2 stories is at least 30 feet above grade) the maximum setback does not apply.
               (F)   Approved forecourt frontages may exceed the maximum setbacks stated above.
            (2)   Setbacks along the west side of South Riverside Drive south of Benton Street shall be as shown in the riverfront crossings district master plan. Building facades shall be aligned along a pedestrianway with abutting perpendicular parking spaces aligned along a continuous north-south drive aisle, which allows cross parcel connections among adjacent sites.
            (3)   On lots with double frontages on Sturgis Corner Drive and South Riverside Drive or Sturgis Corner Drive and Highway 6, Sturgis Corner Drive shall be considered the primary street frontage. For these lots, there shall be no maximum building setback along the Riverside Drive and Highway 6 frontages.
            (4)   For lots with double frontages on Orchard Street and Riverside Drive, there shall be no maximum building setback along the Orchard Street frontage.
         c.   Building Height And Facade Step Backs:
            (1)   Except as provided below, principal buildings shall be four (4) stories maximum in height above grade.
               (A)   Principal buildings with frontage on the Iowa River may be eight (8) stories maximum in height before application of bonus provisions.
               (B)   Additional building height may be granted through transfer of development rights or through bonus height provisions as set forth in subsection 14-2G-7G, "Building Height Bonus Provisions", of this article.
            (2)   Above the third floor, building facades facing and visible from streets, plazas, parks, and single-family residential zones shall step back ten feet (10') minimum from the lower floor facade.
               (A)   At street corners, tower elements or similar corner emphasis treatments may be exempt from the step back requirement for up to one facade bay (maximum 35 feet) as approved by the FBC committee.
               (B)   Buildings with frontage on the Iowa River shall be exempt from the step back requirement.
               (C)   The required facade step back may be established at a lower floor than stated above, provided it is established at least thirty feet (30') in height above grade.
         d.   Building Projections:
            (1)   The following building features may project into setbacks as follows:
               (A)   Bay windows, eaves, roof overhangs, cornices, belt courses, buttresses, sills, and other similar features: Two feet (2') maximum.
               (B)   Balconies on upper floors may project up to six feet (6') into front setbacks. Balconies may project beyond nonstreet-facing facades on upper floors up to four feet (4') maximum, but shall extend no closer than eight feet (8') from a side or rear lot line, unless said lot line abuts an alley or permanent open space.
               (C)   Canopies, awnings, stoops, terraces, covered building entries, and similar elements as permitted in section 14-2G-4, "Frontage Type Standards", of this article.
            (2)   Awnings and canopies may also project into public rights of way according to the applicable provisions of the building code. Certain permitted signs may also project into public rights of way according to applicable standards set forth in chapter 5, article B, "Sign Regulations", of this title. Projections into the right of way shall not interfere with utilities, street trees and other important right of way features.
            (3)   Arcades and galleries projecting beyond ground level street- facing building facades are not permitted. (An arcade is a facade with an attached colonnade that projects over the sidewalk/walkway with upper story building space above. A gallery is a colonnade that is attached to a ground level facade that projects over the sidewalk/walkway.) Upper floor facades may not project closer to the streetside property line than the ground level building facade, except for building features noted above.
         e.   Building And Frontage Types:
            (1)   Principal buildings and building facades shall be designed in compliance with sections 14-2G-4, "Frontage Type Standards", and 14-2G-5, "Building Type Standards", of this article.
         f.   Facade Continuity:
            (1)   To define pedestrian friendly streetscapes while maintaining a lower intensity development character along primary streets, principal buildings shall occupy a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the primary street lot frontage.
            (2)   To ensure public access and view corridors to the Iowa River, buildings located along the riverfront shall occupy no more than seventy five percent (75%) of the width of the lot as measured along the riverside lot line.
            (3)   Any building that exceeds five (5) stories in height must be separated from any other building that exceeds five (5) stories in height by a distance equal to the height of the taller building or one hundred feet (100'), whichever is less.
      4.   Parking And Service Areas:
         a.   Parking: Parking shall be provided using a permitted parking type appropriate for the selected building type in compliance with section 14-2G-6, "Parking Type Standards", of this article and at the minimum ratios specified in section 14-5A-4, "Minimum Parking Requirements", of this title.
         b.   Parking, Loading, And Service Area Placement And Screening: Parking, loading, and service areas shall be located within, behind and to the side of principal buildings in compliance with the following requirements as shown in figure 2G-14 of this section.
            (1)   Primary Street And Pedestrian Street Setback (E) And Screening:
               (A)   Surface parking, loading, and service areas: Thirty feet (30') minimum from primary street building facade and located behind fully enclosed, occupied building space.
               (B)   Surface parking located to the side of buildings: Ten feet (10') minimum from the streetside property line (E') and set back three feet (3') minimum from the primary street building facade (E) and screened by low masonry walls and landscaping as specified for S2 standard, alternative materials (option B), set forth in chapter 5, article F, "Screening And Buffering Standards", of this title.
               (C)   Along the west side of South Riverside Drive south of Benton Street, one (1) single loaded aisle of parking is permitted within the private frontage area. The parking aisle shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5') from the front property line and the area between the parking aisle and the public sidewalk shall be landscaped to the S2 standard. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016)
               (D)   Building/structured parking: Thirty feet (30') minimum from the primary street building facade and located behind fully-enclosed, occupied building space, except the setback may be reduced to twenty feet (20') for buildings with ground-level residential uses. (Ord. 17-4705, 5-16-2017)
               (E)   Underground parking: Zero feet (0') minimum from primary street building facade.
            (2)   Secondary Street Setback (F) And Screening:
               (A)   Surface parking, loading, and service areas along Myrtle Avenue and Highway 1: Ten feet (10') minimum and set back three feet (3') minimum from secondary street building facades and screened to the S2 standard.
               (B)   Surface parking, loading, and service areas along Orchard Street: Ten feet (10') minimum and screened to the S2 standard.
               (C)   Building/structured parking: Ten feet (10') minimum and screened from view by architecturally finished building facades, according to the standards for structured parking set forth in subsection 14-5A-5F of this title.
               (D)   Underground parking: Ten feet (10') minimum and set back zero feet (0') minimum from secondary street building facades.
            (3)   Side (G) And Rear (H) Setbacks And Screening:
               (A)   Surface parking, loading, and service area: Five feet (5') minimum or zero feet (0') where parking is shared with the adjacent property. Setback area shall be landscaped to the S2 standard.
               (B)   Building/structured parking: Must comply with the same side and rear setback requirements as principal buildings. Parking must be screened from view by architecturally finished building facades, according to the standards for structured parking set forth in subsection 14-5A-5F of this title.
               (C)   Underground parking: Must comply with the same side and rear setback requirement as principal buildings.
            (4)   Underground Parking: Underground parking shall be designed to ensure ground floor finished floor elevations meet elevation requirements for permitted frontage types.
            (5)   Buildings With Ground Floor Residential Use: For buildings with ground floor residential use, no surface parking shall be closer than ten feet (10') to any residential portion of a building (i.e., not including portions of the building containing garage space). This ten foot (10') area must be used for walkways and landscaping and/or may be included as part of a larger open space area. If parking spaces are located where headlights of vehicles shine onto a wall containing ground floor windows, said parking spaces must be screened from view of the windows to at least the S2 standard.
         c.   Access To Parking And Service Areas:
            (1)   All parking and service areas shall be accessed from public alleys, private rear lanes or driveways on secondary streets consistent with the riverfront crossings plan. Limited access to primary streets is allowed consistent with the riverfront crossings plan. However, in order to improve traffic circulation upon redevelopment, the city may require closure of inappropriately located curb cuts in favor of shared access points along the frontage.
            (2)   FBC committee approval is required for the placement of new driveway and curb cuts along primary streets. Any request for a curb cut on an arterial street will be reviewed according to the applicable provisions set forth in section 14-5C-6, "Arterial Street Access Requirements", of this title.
         d.   Construction And Design Standards For Parking And Loading Areas:
            (1)   The following subsections of section 14-5A-5, "Construction And Design Standards", of this title shall apply:
               A.   Purpose.
               B.   Paving materials.
               C.   Parking and stacking space size.
               D.   Drainage.
               E.   Location.
               F.   Standards for structured parking.
               H.   Design and layout of surface parking areas.
               I.   Landscaping and tree requirements within parking areas.
               J.   Screening and setback requirements.
               K.   Design of bicycle parking areas.
      5.   Accessory Uses, Buildings And Structures:
         a.   Accessory uses, buildings and structures shall comply with the provisions of chapter 4, article C of this title. However, if the provisions contained in the riverfront crossings code are more specific or restrictive, said provisions shall supersede the provisions of chapter 4, article C of this title.
         b.   Garages and parking structures must be located and constructed in compliance with the provisions of subsection D4, "Parking And Service Areas", of this section.
         c.   Accessory buildings other than garages and parking structures must be located behind and to the side of principal buildings according to the same setback standards as surface parking. Facades of accessory buildings within public view must be architecturally finished in a manner that is consistent with the principal building. (Ord. 16-4675, 9-20-2016; amd. Ord. 20-4840, 12-15-2020)