A.   Safety Of Supplied Facility: Every supplied facility, piece of equipment or required utility shall be constructed and/or installed so that it will function safely.
   B.   Kitchens: Every dwelling unit shall have a kitchen room or kitchenette equipped with the following:
      1.   An approved kitchen sink.
      2.   Space capable of properly accommodating a refrigerator and a stove or range.
      3.   Proper access terminals to utilities necessary to properly operate a refrigerator and stove or range.
      4.   Adequate space for the storage and preparation of food.
   C.   Toilets, Baths And Lavatories:
      1.   Every dwelling unit shall contain the following:
         a.   A toilet.
         b.   A bath.
         c.   A lavatory basin within or adjacent to the room containing the toilet.
      2.   Every toilet and every bath shall be contained within a room or within separate rooms which afford privacy for a person within said rooms. (1978 Code §
   D.   Water Heating Facilities: Every kitchen sink, bath and lavatory basin required in accordance with the provisions of the housing code shall be properly connected with supplied water heating facilities. Every supplied water heating facility shall be properly connected and shall be capable of heating water to such a temperature as to permit an adequate amount of water to be drawn at every kitchen sink and lavatory basin required under the provisions of the housing code at a temperature of not less than one hundred ten degrees Fahrenheit (110°F) (43°C). Such supplied water heating facilities shall be capable of meeting the requirements of this section when the required space heating facilities are not in operation. (Ord. 08-4315, 9-9-2008)
   E.   Connection Of Sanitary Facilities To Water And Sanitary Sewer Systems: Every kitchen sink, toilet, lavatory basin, bath and clothes washer shall be properly connected to an approved water and sanitary sewer system.
   F.   Exits:
      1.   Every structure containing a dwelling unit or dwelling units or structure containing a rooming unit or rooming units or a combination thereof shall comply with the following exit requirements:
         a.   Every structure or usable portion thereof shall have at least one exit.
         b.   Single-family and duplex structures over three thousand (3,000) square feet in gross floor area shall have access to two (2) exits.
         c.   Multiple dwellings and rooming houses with an occupant load of ten (10) or more shall have access to two (2) exits.
         d.   Where only one exit is required, it shall be a continuous and unobstructed means of egress which discharges directly or via corridors or stairways to a public way. (1978 Code §17-5; amd. 1994 Code)
         e.   Where at least two (2) exits are required, they shall be independent, unobstructed means of egress remote from each other, and both shall discharge directly or via corridors or stairways or both to a public way or yard. If both means of egress are designated to a common corridor, they shall be in opposite directions immediately upon exiting the dwelling unit or rooming unit, except a common path of travel may be permitted for the first twenty feet (20'). Dead end corridors shall not exceed twenty feet (20') in length. Any existing fire escape shall not be deemed a sufficient means of egress unless it is in compliance with appendix A of this chapter. Any new fire escape must meet the requirements of the city building and fire codes. (Ord. 08-4315, 9-9-2008)
         f.   Basements and floors above the second story shall have not less than two (2) exits, except when such floors or basements are used exclusively for the service of the building. Dwelling units and/or rooming units in a basement may have access to only one common exit when the occupant load served by that exit does not exceed ten (10). Escape and rescue window(s) must be supplied for each sleeping room. Such window(s) shall comply with the building code specifications. Existing third floor and attic areas less than five hundred (500) square feet may be used as habitable rooms if the following conditions are met: 1) one exit fully meets building code requirements to the outside of the building; 2) the other exit can be an attic fire escape 1 . If access to the attic fire escape is through a window, such window must meet the building code requirements for escape and rescue windows.
         g.   Every doorway providing ingress or egress from any dwelling unit, rooming unit or habitable room shall be at least six feet, four inches high and two feet, four inches wide (6'4" x 2'4").
      2.   Every means of egress shall comply with the following requirements:
         a.   Stairways: All stairways comprised of four (4) or more risers shall be provided with a substantial and safe handrail. New construction or remodeling shall comply with the city building code.
         b.   Guardrails: All unenclosed floor and roof openings, open and glazed sides of landings and ramps, balconies or porches which are more than thirty inches (30") above grade or above the floor below and any roof used for other than service of the building shall be protected by a substantial and safe guardrail. New construction or remodeling shall comply with the city building code.
         c.   Riser And Tread: Every stairway shall have a uniform riser height and uniform tread width which shall be adequate for safe use. (1978 Code §17-5; amd. 1994 Code)
         d.   Exits: Doors and windows readily accessible from outside the unit shall be lockable from inside the unit. Double cylinder deadbolts may not be used on doors located in habitable areas or on any exit door. Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. (Ord. 95-3681, 6-27-1995)
         e.   Escape Window: In basement units where one means of egress is a window, such window shall have an unobstructed opening no less in area than that required in the building and/or fire codes. (1978 Code §17-5; amd. 1994 Code)
   G.   Natural Light:
      1.   Every habitable room, except a kitchen, shall have at least one window or skylight facing directly to the outdoors. The minimum total glazed window or skylight area, for every habitable room, except the kitchen, shall be at least eight percent (8%) of the floor area of such room.
      2.   For the purpose of determining natural light and natural ventilation requirements, any room may be considered as a portion of an adjoining room when one-half (1/2) of the area of the common wall is open and unobstructed and provides an opening of not less than one-tenth (1/10) of the floor area of the interior room or twenty five (25) square feet, whichever is greater.
   H.   Ventilation:
      1.   Interior Air Quality: Every dwelling unit and rooming unit shall be free from dangerous levels of air pollution from carbon monoxide, sanitary sewer gas, fuel gas, dust and other harmful air pollutants.
      2.   Natural Ventilation:
         a.   Every window or other device with openings to the outdoor space, used for ventilation, shall be supplied with screens of not less than sixteen (16) mesh per inch. (1978 Code §17-5; amd. 1994 Code)
         b.   The total openable window area, as measured between stops, in every habitable room shall be equal to at least four percent (4%) of the floor area of such room. (Ord. 95-3681, 6-27-1995)
         c.   Every door opening directly from a dwelling unit or rooming unit to outdoor space, the use of which is necessary to meet the minimum ventilation requirements of this code, shall have a supplied screen or screens and a self-closing device.
         d.   Every cellar window, soffit or roof vent used or intended to be used for ventilation and every other opening to a cellar, crawl space or interior roof area which might provide an entry for rodents or birds shall be supplied with a heavy wire screen of not larger than one-fourth inch (1/4") mesh or such device as will effectively prevent entrance.
         e.   For natural ventilation, every bathroom or toilet compartment shall have at least one openable window facing directly to the outdoors and at least forty five percent (45%) of the window must be openable.
      3.   Mechanical Ventilation:
         a.   In lieu of openable windows for natural ventilation, adequate ventilation may be a system of mechanical ventilation which provides not less than two (2) air changes per hour in all habitable rooms and/or bathrooms or toilet compartments.
         b.   No mechanical exhaust system, exhausting vapors, gases or odors shall be discharged into an attic, crawl space or cellar unless such attic, crawl space or cellar is adequately vented to the outside.
         c.   Any kitchen or kitchenette lacking natural ventilation shall be equipped with a system of mechanical ventilation which provides at least two (2) air changes per hour in said room. The system shall exhaust and discharge directly to outside air.
   I.   Heating:
      1.   Every dwelling shall have heating facilities which are properly installed and are capable of safely and adequately heating all habitable rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms located therein to a temperature of at least sixty eight degrees Fahrenheit (68°) (20°C) and shall be capable of maintaining in all said locations a minimum temperature of sixty five degrees Fahrenheit (65°) (18°C) at a distance of three feet (3') above the floor level at all times. Such heating facilities shall be so designed and equipped that heat, as herein specified, is available for all dwelling units and rooming units.
      2.   Every central heating unit, space heater, water heater and cooking appliance shall be located and installed in such a manner so as to afford reasonable protection against involvement of egress facilities or egress routes in the event of uncontrolled fire in the structure.
      3.   Every fuel burning heating unit or water heater shall be effectively vented in a safe manner to a chimney or duct leading to the exterior of the building. The chimney, duct and vent shall be of such design as to assure proper draft and shall be adequately supported. (1978 Code §17-5; amd. 1994 Code)
      4.   No fuel burning appliance shall be located within any sleeping room or bathroom unless provided with adequate ducting for air supply from the exterior, and the combustion chamber for such heating unit shall be sealed from the room in an airtight manner.
      5.   Every steam or hot water boiler and every water heater shall be protected against overheating by appropriate pressure and temperature limit controls. Such controls shall have a properly installed extension pipe on the pressure relief valve. (Ord. 08-4315, 9-9-2008)
      6.   Every fuel burning space heating unit and water heater shall be equipped with an electronic ignition or with a pilot light and an automatic control to interrupt the flow of fuel to the unit in the event of a failure of the ignition device. All such heating units shall have a limit control to prevent overheating.
   J.   Electrical Requirements:
      1.   Every habitable room shall contain at least two (2) separate floor type or wall type electric double convenience outlets which shall be situated a distance apart equivalent to at least twenty five percent (25%) of the perimeter of the room. Every such outlet and fixture shall be properly installed.
      2.   Every habitable room, toilet room, bathroom, laundry room, furnace room, basement and cellar shall contain at least one supplied ceiling type or wall type electric light fixture or switched outlet. Every such outlet and fixture shall be properly installed.
      3.   Temporary wiring or extension cords shall not be used as permanent wiring. (1978 Code §17-5; amd. 1994 Code)
   K.   Minimum Space, Use And Location Requirements:
      1.   Floor Area Per Occupant:
         a.   Every dwelling unit shall contain at least one hundred twenty (120) square feet of habitable floor space for the first occupant thereof and at least one hundred (100) additional square feet of habitable floor space for every additional occupant thereof.
         b.   The floor area of that part of a room where the ceiling height is less than five feet (5') shall not be considered when computing the total floor area of the room. (Ord. 17-4734, 12-19-2017, eff. 1-1-2018)
      2.   Maximum Occupancy: (Rep. by Ord. 17-4734, 12-19-2017, eff. 1-1-2018)
      3.   Sleeping Rooms: In every dwelling unit of two (2) or more rooms and every rooming unit, every room occupied for sleeping purposes by one occupant shall contain at least seventy (70) square feet of floor space, and every room occupied for sleeping purposes by more than one occupant shall contain at least forty (40) square feet of floor space for each additional occupant thereof, except two (2) bedroom manufactured housing shall be required to have only one bedroom in compliance with this section.
      4.   Ceiling Height: The ceiling height of every habitable room shall be at least seven feet (7').
         a.   In any habitable room where the ceiling is a part of a sloping roof, at least one-half (1/2) of the floor area shall have a ceiling height of at least seven feet (7'). "Floor area", as stated above, shall mean the area of the floor where the vertical measurement from floor to ceiling is five feet (5') or more.
         b.   Obstructions of space by such items as water and gas pipes and cabinetry shall be permitted when such obstructions are located within two feet (2') of a partition or wall, do not interfere with normal ingress and egress, would not interfere with an emergency ingress or egress and are approved by the inspector. Obstruction of ceiling space shall be permitted when such obstruction is located at a height of not less than six feet four inches (6'4") from the floor and which does not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of the cubic area of the space within a room further than six feet four inches (6'4") from the floor. (1978 Code §17-5; amd. 1994 Code)
   L.   Fire Protection Equipment: All fire extinguishers and early warning fire protection systems shall be properly installed according to the City Fire, Building and Housing Codes. (Ord. 08-4315, 9-9-2008)



1. See section 17-5-23 , appendix A of this chapter.