In addition to any other requirements, the premises for which a beer permit or liquor control license is sought shall meet the following requirements:
   A.   No liquor control license or beer permit shall be approved for premises which do not conform to all applicable laws, provisions of this code and other ordinances, resolutions and health and fire regulations.
   B.   No liquor control license nor beer permit for serving and consuming on premises shall be approved for an establishment which is not located entirely on the ground floor of a building and which does not contain windows which permit visibility of its interior from the public way, except for hotels, motels, restaurants, private clubs, theaters that have live performances as their principal function, and outdoor rooftop patios (with an occupant load under 50) associated with an indoor commercial recreational use. An establishment will be considered to be on the ground floor if it is located on a mall level. This provision shall not be applicable to premises licensed prior to July 1, 1997. (1978 Code §26; amd. Ord. 13-4564, 12-3-2013)