dbh: For the purposes of this chapter, "dbh" shall mean "diameter at breast height" which shall be the diameter of the trunk size as measured at fifty four inches (54") above the established ground level, or for replacement trees, fifty four inches (54") above the top of the root ball.
   ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY: For the purposes of this chapter, the enforcement authority shall be the village administrator, or his or her designee.
   EXEMPT TREE: For purposes of this chapter, a tree which has been determined by the village administrator, or his or her designee, or otherwise by the village to be one of the exempt species of trees listed in subsection 8-6-4C3 of this chapter, or which has been determined by the village administrator, or his or her designee, to be dead, diseased but not reasonably treatable, materially damaged, or structurally unsound or unsafe.
   PROTECTED PRIVATE TREES: For the purposes of this chapter, "protected private trees" shall be defined as any tree located on private property within the village with a trunk size greater than or equal to four inches (4") dbh, other than an exempt tree as defined in subsection 8-6-4C3 of this chapter.
   REGULATED ACTIVITY: For purposes of this chapter, "regulated activity" shall be defined as any activity associated with or related to a "teardown" as defined in section 5-1-6 of this code (the "zoning regulations") that anticipates or involves the actual or reasonably likely damage or removal of one or more protected private trees, including, but not limited to, any subdivision of property, demolition, new construction or development, deforestation, landscaping, installation, repair, and/or modification of any private sewage disposal system (i.e., any septic system), site development activity (including, but not limited to, excavation and/or filling), enlargements or expansion of any structure, building, driveway, or parking areas. Regulated activity shall include, but not be limited to, any activity as described above which occurs after March 13, 2007, and which also occurs within thirty six (36) months immediately preceding any application for any permit or approval related to a teardown.
   TEARDOWN: For the purposes of this chapter, a "teardown" shall be as defined in section 5-1-6 of this code (the "zoning regulations"). (Ord. 2007-845, 3-13-2007)