When due notice has been published and/or mailed for a public hearing, in accordance with Illinois statutes and the applicable ordinances of this village, or when such public hearing has previously been continued to a time, date and place by a motion of such hearing body duly approved at a public meeting of such hearing body, or when such a public hearing has previously been continued in accordance with the provisions of this section, but it appears that the hearing body does not or will not have the necessary quorum of its members to conduct business at the scheduled time, date and place for such public hearing, the chairman or acting chairman of such hearing body, or any member of such hearing body present at the appointed time, date and place of such hearing, shall have authority to and may enter a written order continuing such public hearing to a time, date and place certain, and the posting of such order at, during, or before the original appointed time, date and place of such hearing shall constitute sufficient notice to the public of such continued public hearing, and no further notice by mail or by publication shall be required. (Ord. 2005-796, 3-8-2005)