For the purpose of these rules:
   DOCUMENT: The complete original (or a complete copy when the original is not available) and any nonidentical copy (whether different from the original because of notes made on the copy or otherwise) of any writing, record, or other submittal, including, but not limited to, a book, pamphlet, binder, periodical, letter, memorandum, telegram, report, progress notes, interoffice or intraoffice communication, handwritten or other note, working paper, transcription, draft, application, permit, photograph, data sheet, data processing sheet, computer printout, microfilm, microfiche, correspondence, notebooks, diaries, desk calendars, charts, survey, plat, photographs and records of any kind, as well as all computer readable data compilations, including, but not limited to, tapes, diskettes, cards, cassettes, CDs, and all other electronic or mechanical devices which contain information, as well as all attachments, exhibits, enclosures, or documents affixed to or referred to in such documents.
   INTERESTED PERSON: Any person participating in the public hearing, other than the petitioner, who has previously filed a written appearance or has had an attorney file a written appearance on their behalf.
   PARTY, PERSON OR PERSONS: Any natural person, proprietorship, private corporation, professional corporation, public corporation, municipal corporation, partnership, association, state or local governmental entity, governmental agency, political subdivision, group, association, committee or any other organization.
   PETITIONER: The petitioner and/or applicant(s) or person(s) making a request of the public body for its consideration and decision or recommendation.
   PUBLIC HEARING: A formal proceeding mandated by law for the purpose of taking public comments and/or evidence with a view to formulating a decision or recommendation on an issue within the jurisdiction of the public body. A "public hearing" is distinguished from a "meeting" in that all hearings are meetings, but not all meetings are hearings.
   RELATED TO, RELATING TO, OR RELATIVE TO: Directly or indirectly mentioning or describing, pertaining to, being directly or indirectly connected with, or reflecting upon a stated subject matter.
   USABLE: Legible, audible, or visible, depending on the nature of the document. (Ord. 2005-796, 3-8-2005)