Only public taxicabs in such numbers as are set forth on the metal signs provided for in the preceding section may remain at taxicab stands while waiting for employment, and they must be parked in single file. The public taxicab standing at the head of such parked line shall not be permitted to refuse to carry an orderly person who offers to hire such taxicab and agrees to pay the proper rate of fare; provided, that the foregoing provisions shall not be construed to prevent any person from selecting any taxicab he may desire on the stand, whether it be at the head of the line or not. As the taxicabs leave the parked line with passengers, those in the rear shall move up, and any public taxicab seeking space on such stand shall not approach same except from the rear thereof and shall move up as closely as possible to the last on the parked line.
('68 Code, § 5-535)  (Ord. 319, passed 7-15-68)  Penalty, see § 120.999