(A)   No stands shall be established except with the approval of the City Clerk, City Manager, and the Police Department. The City Clerk, in cooperation with the City Manager and the Police Department, shall recommend the number of taxicabs or motor vehicles for hire. Such recommendation shall not become effective except with the approval of the City Council, and the council may approve of such recommendation or may establish such regulations respecting the number of cars as they may see fit.
   (B)   The Department of Public Works shall cause to be attached to a post or stanchion a metal sign which shall state the number of taxicabs or motor vehicles for hire which shall be permitted to stand at such particular stand. No stand for public taxicabs or motor vehicles for hire shall be established within a five- foot limit to be determined by measuring five feet on either side of a point at the curb, opposite the door or entrance of a building. The Chief of Police shall recommend, subject to approval by the Council, additional stands for night use only. No taxicab or motor vehicle for hire shall be permitted to park anywhere within the one-mile circle designated by the city except at stands therein established as provided in this section.
   (C)   Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as prohibiting the parking or standing of taxicabs outside of said one-mile circle, where parking is permitted, other than on authorized cab stands when such cab is not being used in the soliciting of business.
('68 Code, § 5-534) (Ord. 319, passed 7-15-68) Penalty, see § 120.999