(A)   Before filing any objection for renewal or request of revocation of a license or permit with the Michigan Liquor Control Commission, the City Council shall serve the licensee or permit holder by first class mail, mailed not less than seven days prior to hearing with notice of a hearing, which notice shall contain the following:
      (1)   Notice of proposed action;
      (2   Reasons for the proposed action;
      (3)   Date, time and place of hearing; and
      (4)   A statement that the licensee or permit holder may present evidence and testimony and confront adverse witnesses and may be represented by a license attorney.
   (B)   The hearing shall be recorded and open to the public and notice of the public hearing shall be mailed by first-class mail to each residence or place of business within 300 feet of the property of the license establishment. Such hearing may be conducted by the City Council as a whole or by a hearing officer or by a committee of the Council appointed by the Council for such purposes. If a hearing officer or Council committee is appointed, it shall be that Council committee's or hearing officer's duty to undertake such hearing and take evidence and testimony of the licensee and witnesses on its behalf or in opposition thereto and after such hearing, the Council committee or hearing officer shall make a recommendation to the City Council for their ultimate final review and decision. The City Council shall submit to the license or permit holder and the Michigan Liquor Control Commission a written statement of its findings and determination.
(Ord. 710, passed 12-7-92)