This subchapter has as its purpose the protection of public health and safety and because of the widely varying quality characteristics of the sewage discharged by different users of the public sewer and the publicly owned treatment works, it is the objective of the subchapter to impose sewage charges which reflect the cost of treating sewage strength factors as well as sewage volume. These charges to commercial and industrial users will be in the form of a payment called a surcharge and will reflect industries’ equitable costs of waste water treatment in excess of the strength of domestic sewage. Sewage charges will be based on a volume rate and surcharge based on volume of discharge and the strength of BOD, suspended solids and phosphorus or other pollutants present in the waste water. In the event other pollutants are required to be surcharged under this subchapter, authorized variances, or by special arrangement with the owner of the publicly owned treatment works, the rules and regulations adopted herein will apply, said rules and regulations being on file with the city clerk (or other appropriate municipal officer).
(Ord. 566, sec. i; adopted 2/2/81, effective (published) 2/19/81)