Following final approval of the preliminary plat by the city council, the proprietor/developer shall cause a survey and five true plats thereof to be made by a surveyor.
(A) Submittal. Five wash-off mylar copies and five paper prints of the final plat shall be filed by the proprietor/developer with the City Clerk and shall deposit such sums of money as the City Council may require herein or by other ordinances. Submittal to the City Clerk shall be at least ten days prior to a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council, which meeting shall be considered as the date of filing.
(B) All final plats of subdivided land shall comply with the provisions of the State Subdivision Control Act of 1967, and shall conform to the approved preliminary plat.
(C) Procedure.
(1) The final plat shall be reviewed by the City Planner and City Engineer as to compliance with the approved preliminary plat and final construction plans for utilities and other improvements.
(2) The City Council shall review all recommendations and take action of the final plat within 20 days of its date of filing and shall:
(a) Approve the plat if it conforms to all provisions of this Act and instruct the City Clerk to certify on the plat the City Council's approval, showing the date of approval.
(b) Reject the plat, instruct the City Clerk to give the reasons in writing as set forth in the minutes of the meeting, and return the plat to the proprietor/developer.
(3) The City Clerk shall transcribe a certificate of approval of the City Council on the plat and deliver all copies to the Clerk of the County Plat Board, together with filing and recording fee required by the Plat Act.
('68 Code, § 6-1401(d)) (Ord. 434, passed 1-24-73)