Before receiving construction and approval and the issuance of a building permit from the city, the builder shall deliver to the city the following items:
   (A)   Builder’s commitment. In his or her construction, the builder shall meet all of the requirements of applicable city, state, and county statutes, ordinances, regulations, and codes. The builder shall be responsible for the installation, good repair, proper functioning, and completion of all improvements required by the city for approval of the building permit. The builder shall further be responsible for cleaning up the building site and returning the land and landscape to its preconstruction condition or better. The builder shall also be responsible for any damage to city property, including streets, caused by the construction, whether such damage is caused by the builder or his or her employees, agents, or subcontractors. The construction shall proceed in a manner which, in the judgment of the city and/or designated representative, does not cause unreasonable harm, inconvenience, or annoyance to any other property owner. The builder shall execute and deliver written evidence of his or her awareness and commitment to fulfill the obligations set forth above with his or her application for a building permit. This obligation of the builder shall continue until the city has granted a release as set forth in this subchapter. The required construction shall be completed and properly functioning and all other obligations satisfied at the end of nine months or such shorter period as may be required by the city or by builder’s written request for an extension beyond the nine months and as agreed upon by the city. At any time thereafter, the city may declare the obligation to be in default, and the bond required in division (B) below shall be forfeited to the general fund of the city;
   (B)   Security required. There shall be filed with the city a bond in amounts asked and forms fixed by the city to ensure completion of the construction commitment as stated in division (A) above; and
   (C)   Bond amounts.
      (1)   The required bond amounts are set as follows. The assessed bond amount for any given project shall be determined by the Public Works Director based on the extent, complexity, and public risk of the project. Bond amounts shall be paid by check. If a check is returned for insufficient funds, the bond shall be deemed not paid, the associated permit is suspended, and all work shall be stopped until the bond is satisfied.
Type of Construction
Security Deposit
Type of Construction
Security Deposit
New condominium per unit
New development
$6,000 per new land parcel
New residence
Site restoral
$3,000 per land parcel
Swimming pool
Interior Remodeling/Addition Project Cost
Security Deposit
$0 to $25,000
$25,001 to $100,000
$100,001 and up
      (2)   Complexity surcharge construction or development in areas with apparent topographical constraints or steep slopes, such as those defined in §§ 155.017 through 155.020 and 155.035 through 155.041, as adopted by § 155.001, shall be subject to a surcharge increasing the security bond amount by not more than double the maximum set forth above, based on an assessment of the potential correction and/or restoral costs for proper project completion in these areas.
(Ord. 7, passed 12-19-2019) Penalty, see § 152.99