The City Manager shall appoint a personnel director, to serve part-or full-time. The appointee may have another position with the village administration, or the City Manager may appoint himself or herself. The personnel director shall:
(A) Conduct recruitment of qualified persons for village positions;
(B) Prepare, schedule, and hold examinations; but nothing in this section shall prevent them from cooperating with other merit system agencies with regard to any phase of examination;
(C) Create eligible lists from results of examinations;
(D) Certify eligibles to appointing authorities for appointment or promotion;
(E) Establish a job classification plan and allocate the various village positions to classes within the plan;
(F) Certify payrolls to assure that all appointments have been made within the provisions of this chapter;
(G) Develop and conduct training programs;
(H) Perform such other duties relating to personnel as the manager may direct;
(I) Act as secretary to the personnel advisory and appeals board.
('80 Code, § 34.12) (Ord. 12-70, passed 4-27-70; Am. Ord. 03-18, passed 4-23-18)