(A) Vacation leave applicable to employees hired prior to January 1, 2003.
(1) Permanent, full-time employees who were hired prior to January 1, 2003 shall be entitled to two calendar weeks (ten work days) of vacation with full pay after service of one year, including prior service with other governmental units in Ohio.
(2) Permanent, full-time employees having five or more years of service, including prior service with other governmental units in Ohio, are entitled, during each year thereafter, to three calendar weeks (15 work days) of vacation leave with full pay.
(3) Permanent, full-time employees having ten or more years of service, including prior service with other governmental units in Ohio, are entitled, during each year thereafter, to three and one-half calendar weeks (17.5 work days) of vacation leave with full pay.
(4) Permanent, full-time employees having 20 or more years of service, including prior service with other governmental units in Ohio, are entitled, during each year thereafter, to four calendar weeks (20 work days) of vacation leave with full pay.
(5) Employees who do not use all of their annual vacation before the end of the current year may carry over up to one-half of their annual vacation leave entitlement to the following year. In no event shall the amount of vacation leave that is carried-over to a subsequent year exceed one-half of the employee's annual entitlement.
(6) Permanent, part-time employees in the position of custodian or inspector, who were hired, or had service with the Village of Indian Hill prior to January 1, 2003, shall be entitled to vacation leave in proportion to hours worked and based on years of service, including service with other governrnental units in Ohio.
(B) Vacation leave applicable to employees hired after January 1, 2003.
(1) Permanent, full-time employees who begin employment after January 1, 2003 shall be entitled to accrue 3.077 hours of vacation per pay period, or two calendar weeks (ten work days) of vacation leave annually, including prior service time.
(2) Permanent, full-time employees having five or more years of service, including prior service time, are entitled, during each year thereafter, to accrue 4.615 hours of vacation per pay period, or three calendar weeks (15 work days) of vacation leave annually, with full pay.
(3) Permanent, full-time employees having ten or more years of service, including prior service time, are entitled, during each year thereafter, to accrue 5.385 hours of vacation per pay period, or three and one-half calendar weeks (17.5 workdays) of vacation leave annually, with full pay.
(4) Permanent, full-time employees having 20 or more years of service, including prior service time, are entitled, during each year thereafter, to accrue 6.154 hours of vacation per pay period, or four calendar weeks (20 workdays) of vacation leave annually, with full pay.
(5) Part-time Grand Valley Preserve Workers who were hired before January 1, 2013 are entitled to accrue vacation hours proportional to the hours worked during the preceding calendar year. Vacation accrual rate shall be based upon two calendar weeks proportional to hours worked on an annual basis.
(6) In no event shall the amount of vacation leave that is carried on the Village of Indian Hill vacation accrual records for any employee covered under this section exceed 150% of the employee's annual entitlement.
(C) Vacation leave applicable to Police Department employees.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in a collective bargaining agreement in place between the city and an applicable police union, permanent, full-time employees of the Police Department shall be entitled to two calendar weeks of vacation leave annually, including prior service with other governmental units in Ohio. Such vacation entitlement shall be accrued at a rate of 4.308 hours per pay period.
(2) Permanent, full-time employees of the Police Department having five or more years of service, including prior service with other governmental units in Ohio, are entitled, during each year thereafter, to three calendar weeks of vacation leave with full pay. Such vacation entitlement shall be accrued at a rate of 6.462 hours per pay period.
(3) Permanent, full-time employees of the Police Department having ten or more years of service, including prior service with other goverental units in Ohio, are entitled, during each year thereafter, to three and one-half calendar weeks of vacation leave with full pay. Such vacation entitlement shall be accrued at a rate of 7.539 hours per pay period.
(4) Permanent, full-time employees of the Police Department having 20 or more years of service, including prior service with other governmental units in Ohio, are entitled, during each year thereafter, to four calendar weeks of vacation leave with full pay. Such vacation entitlement shall be accrued at a rate of 8.615 hours per pay period.
(5) In no event shall the amount of vacation leave that is carried on the Village of Indian Hill vacation accrual records for any employee covered under this section exceed 150% of the employee's annual entitlement.
(6) For the purposes of calculating the above specified vacation leave, a calendar week of vacation shall be equal to 56 hours of paid vacation.
(7) Employees hired after January 1, 2020, in the position of Chief of Police, Assistant Chief (Patrol Captain) and Assistant Chief (Investigations Captain) shall follow the vacation accrual schedule applicable to employees hired after January 1, 2003 as approved by Council.
(D) Upon presentation of appropriate documentation, an employee is entitled to have his or her prior service with any other governmental agency in the State of Ohio counted as if it were service with the Village of Indian Hill for the purpose of computing the amount of vacation leave to which the employee is entitled.
(E) Accrual Exemptions. The City Manager shall have the authority to make adjustments in the amount of vacation leave accrued or credited for new hires which are exempt from the civil service rules and regulations and not covered by a collective bargaining agreement to ensure the hiring of the best qualified candidate for the position. The City Manager may consider substantial prior full-time service, other than military service, with any local, state or federal government agency outside the State of Ohio or any private sector employment and credit the employee with time worked in the relevant positions. Such credit will be applied on an individual basis to a placement within the vacation leave schedule applicable to employees hired after January 1, 2003.
(F) Payment for Unused Vacation Leave. Any employee at the time of retirement will be paid for any unused vacation leave up to the maximum accrual of one and one-half times their annual vacation accrual. Any employee leaving the service of the city will be paid in a lump sum for any unused vacation credit already earned or carried over during the calendar year in which they are separated. Such payment for unused vacation leave shall be made only once to any employee. In the event of a death of an employee, unused vacation leave shall become payable in a lump sum. The rate of compensation shall be at the regular rate of pay earned at time of death. Such payment shall be made in accordance with R.C. § 2113.04, or be paid to the employee's estate with appropriate taxes withheld.
(Ord. 15-19, passed 12-16-19; Am. Ord. 01-23, passed 1-17-23)