(A) Sick Leave Accrual. Permanent, full-time employees shall be entitled to accrue sick leave with pay at a rate of 4.615 hours for each completed pay period in which an employee is in paid status. Unused sick leave shall be cumulative up to 1,080 hours, unless more than 1,080 hours are approved by the City Manager.
(B) Permanent, part-time employees in the position of custodian and inspector, who were hired or with service with the village prior to January 1, 2003, shall accrue sick time and receive incentive pay for unused sick leave in proportion to hours worked.
(C) Incentive Pay for Unused Sick Leave. Permanent, full-time employees of the Village of Indian Hill who have accumulated a sick leave balance of 720 hours shall be compensated annually for 33.3% of the number of hours in excess of 720 hours, not to exceed 120 hours each year. This compensation will be at the hourly rate of base pay in effect at the time of payment. The actual payment to an employee in any one year shall not exceed 40 hours of pay. The remaining unused sick leave, not to exceed 80 hours per year shall be accumulated with the original 720-hour balance to a maximum allowable sick leave balance of 960 hours. The number of benefit hours shall be based upon a 12-month reporting period of December l thru November 30. Payment shall be made during the first week of December in each year.
(D) Transfer of Sick Leave Accumulated from Employment with another Ohio public agency. Any employee who has prior service with another Ohio public agency may transfer any unused and/or uncashed sick leave balance, up to a maximum of 960 hours, to the Village of Indian Hill provided that the re-employment takes place within ten years of the date on which the employee was last terminated from public service. Any employee who has prior service with a public agency outside the State of Ohio will only be eligible to transfer sick leave from their immediate previous employer, up to a maximum of 960 hours. To receive such credit, the employee must present a written statement from their past public employer attesting to the amount of unused sick leave the employee accumulated, and certifying that the employee had not been compensated for the accumulated balance. Any such sick leave accumulated while employed by another public agency shall, upon exhaustion of sick leave accumulated while employed by the Village of Indian Hill, be available for use by the employee under the applicable sick leave use provisions contained in the personnel policies. Transferred sick leave shall not be eligible for compensation under either the annual incentive pay program specified under incentive pay for unused sick leave or the retirement compensation specified under payment for accrued sick leave upon retirement. The maximm combined usable balance of Village of Indian Hill accumulated and transferred sick leave that can carry over for future use shall not exceed 960 hours on December 1st of any year.
(E) Payment for Accrued Sick Leave. Any employee at the time of a disability or service retirement will be paid one-half of his or her accrued sick leave up to a maximum payment of 60 days' pay. Such payment shall be based on the employee's rate of pay at the time of retirement. Payment for sick leave on this basis shall be considered to eliminate all sick leave credit accrued by the employee at that time. Such payment shall be made only once to any employee. In the event of a death of an employee, the employee's accrued but unused sick leave will be converted to a lump sum payment in the same manner and up to the same maximum payment as set forth for retirement pay-outs. If an employee dies as a direct result of the performance of their work duties, 100% of the employee's accrued, unused sick leave shall be converted to a lump sum payment. Such payments for accrued sick leave upon death shall be made in accordance with R.C. § 2113.04, or be paid to the employee's estate with appropriate taxes withheld. Employees who do not retire but who terminate city employment, or whose city employment is terminated for any reason, or who transfers employment, shall not be eligible for such payment for accrued sick leave.
(Ord. 15-19, passed 12-16-19; Am. Ord. 01-23, passed 1-17-23)