(A)   Exempt Compensatory Time. Employees in FLSA-exempt positions may be requested or required to work in excess of their scheduled work hours as necessary to meet the needs of the city. Exempt employees not eligible for overtime pay may accrue one hour of exempt compensatory time for each hour in pay status over 40 hours in a workweek. The employee must obtain approval from their direct supervisor or department head to work hours which may result in the accrual of exempt compensatory time. No compensatory time will be granted for office work that could have been completed during the regular work schedule. The supervisor or department head may deny the accrual of exempt compensatory time before or after the employee works the excess hours. Exempt compensatory time shall not be earned based on a daily total of hours worked nor on any leave hours an employee may have used during the workweek. Accrued exempt compensatory time may be taken off by the employee on a date mutually agreed upon by the employee and their department head during the employee's regular work schedule. If a mutually agreeable date cannot be identified, the department head may require an exempt employee to take accrued exempt compensatory time off during any workweek or may adjust the schedule of an exempt employee within a workweek to avoid the accrual of exempt compensatory time.
   (B)   Non-Exempt Compensatory Time. Upon application to, and approval of the employee's department head, a permanent, full-time employee may be granted compensatory time off from work in lieu of overtime compensation. Compensatory time shall be accumulated at a rate of one and one-half hours for each hour of overtime worked.
   (C)   An FLSA exempt and non-exempt employee may accumulate up to 80 hours (92 hours for police personnel) of unused compensatory time in a compensatory time "bank" unless provided for differently through a collective bargaining agreement. Once this limit is reached, the employee must be paid for any additional overtime hours worked, or must use a portion of accumulated compensatory time before any additional compensatory time may be accumulated.
   (D)   The village may choose to periodically cash an employee's compensatory time at any time during his/her employment.
   (E)   No part-time, temporary or seasonal employee shall be entitled to compensatory time.
   (F)   Employees of the Police Department who are assigned to work 84 hours within a 14-day pay period shall be entitled to receive two hours Kelly Time Off during each two-week pay period. The scheduling of such time off shall be at the discretion of the supervising shift lieutenant, or in his/her absence, the Assistant Chief or Chief of Police.
   (G)   Payment for Unused Compensatory Time. Any employee at the time of retirement or leaving the service of the city will be paid for all unused compensatory time up to a maximum of 80 hours for all eligible employees (92 hours for police employees assigned to rotating shifts). The rate of compensation shall be at the regular rate of pay earned at the time of separation. In the event of a death of an employee, unused compensatory time shall become payable in a lump sum. The rate of compensation shall be at the regular rate of pay earned at time of death. Such payment shall be made in accordance with R.C. § 2113.04, or be paid to the employee's estate with appropriate taxes withheld.
(Ord. 15-19, passed 12-16-19; Am. Ord. 01-23, passed 1-17-23)