(A) Permitted maintenance. Privately owned resource protection areas containing mature or young canopy forest, slopes 20% or greater, kope formation, and/or floodplain should be maintained in the following manner:
(1) Eradicate dense invasive ground vegetation which blocks desirable views or does not provide desirable screening for residential areas;
(2) Replace ground vegetation with wild flowers, perennial beds, evergreens, or desired plantings;
(3) Remove or trim dead or diseased trees as directed by the City Manager.
(4) Remove fallen trees from the floor of canopy forest.
(B) Accidental removal. Should any mature or young canopy trees be accidentally removed as a result of maintenance, the owner of the deed restricted area will be required to replace the trees pursuant to the requirements of § 154.132(B)(1).
(Ord. 03-97, passed 2-24-97)