(A) The regular and special meetings of the Council and of all decision-making boards and committees whose action does not require the independent consideration and deliberation of Council and, in addition, the ratification or approval or review or formal legislative adoption of the action by the Council, are declared to be open to the public unless otherwise provided by law.
(B) The minutes of the regular and special meetings of the Council and of all decision-making boards and committees described in division (A) hereof, shall be open to public inspection at the office of the City Manager during regular visiting hours. However, where executive sessions of the Council and the decision-making boards and committees described in division (A) are provided by law, such minutes shall reflect only the general subject matter of such discussions.
(C) Notice of the time and place of all regularly scheduled meetings and the time, place, and purpose of all special meetings of the Council and the decision-making boards and committees described in division (A) shall be published in the Indian Hill Bulletin and village website at a reasonable time in advance of the meetings.
(D) At least 24 hours' advanced notice of every special meeting of the Council and the decision-making boards and committees described in division (A) shall be given to members of the news media who have requested notification. However, in the event of an emergency requiring immediate, official action, in lieu of 24 hours' advanced notification, the member or members calling the meeting of the Council or decision-making boards and committees described in division (A) shall notify the news media immediately.
(E) Any person, upon request may obtain reasonable advance notice of special meetings of the Council and the decision-making boards and committees described in division (A) for the period of one calendar year. Such notification shall be sent by e-mail or other similar means and shall consist of a general topical agenda of the subject or subjects to be considered at such meetings.
('80 Code, § 31.03) (Res. 34-75, passed 11-24-75; Am. Ord. 13-21, passed 8-23-21)