Whenever the removal or maintenance of any permanent Sign has been ordered by the Building Department, the owner of such a Sign shall remove or maintain such Sign within fourteen (14) days after receiving such notice. In the event of noncompliance, the Building Department may remove or cause to be removed or maintain such Sign at the expense of the owner of such Sign or the owner of the property on whose premises it was erected, affixed or attached, and such person shall be individually and separately liable for the expense incurred in the removal of such Sign.
   Removal of a Sign shall include the Sign face, enclosing frame, all Sign supporting members and base.
   Temporary Signs in existence on the effective date of this section which do not comply with the provisions of this Chapter, and all other Signs heretofore erected or displayed without legal authorization, or as to which a legal nonconforming Sign status has not been established, shall be removed within ten days after the delivery, by certified mail or personal service, of written notice by the Building Department to the owner or occupant of the premises on which such Signs are located ordering removal.
   Any Sign owner may appeal the anticipated removal herein, in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 1151.22.
(Ord. 2020-101. Passed 10-13-20.)