(a)    Signs in residential districts shall not be illuminated, except as specifically provided herein.
   (b)    Signs in business, industrial, office, and institutional districts may be illuminated. Where illuminated Signs are permitted, they shall conform to the following requirements:
      (1)    All illuminated Signs shall comply with the requirements of the National Electric Code.
      (2)    Electrical wiring serving any Sign shall be installed underground or on or within the structure to which the Sign is attached.
      (3)    Illumination shall not be of excessive brightness and shall be shielded so as to prevent direct light or glare from being cast into any adjoining residential areas or at vehicles traveling on a public right-of-way. Such lighting shall be shielded so as to prevent view of the light source from any adjoining residence or residential district and/or vehicles approaching on a public right-of-way from any direction.
      (4)    Flashing, moving or intermittent illumination is prohibited.
      (5)    The colors red or green, whether in direct illumination or reflection, shall not be used where such use may interfere with the sight lines of a traffic Signal.
   (c)   Changeable Copy Sign, Electronic Prohibited. No Changeable Copy Sign, Electronic shall be allowed within the City.
(Ord. 2020-101. Passed 10-13-20.)