(a)   The Home Improvement Assessment Program is hereby established with the intent of improving public and private property to be maintained within the City’s Codified Ordinances to assure the proper management of stormwater, to mitigate erosion, and to assure properly working utilities like sewers, ditches, and drains to assist in controlling and managing stormwater.
   (b)   The Mayor shall establish a program to partner with property owners who request such partnerships that would allow for the City to assist with a project paying part of the upfront costs, a portion determined by formula of the overall cost of the project upfront, associated costs of the project, and provide that the property owner repays the City over a set period of time through the use of the legal mechanism as prescribed by Section 727 Assessments of the Ohio Revised Code, to allow a property owner to repay in full their portion of the cost of the project.
   (c)   The City may pay a portion of the cost of the project including in kind services and indirect costs, as well as direct financial support.
   (d)   The City may provide direct financial support of projects with the knowledge that while each project may be handled differently, it is suggested that not more than thirty-three percent (33%) of the overall direct cost of the project may be borne by the City, as determined based on the overall global impact of the project on the neighborhood. Neighborhood projects of multiple properties in a larger scale project also qualify under the provisions of this legislation.
   (e)   Each individual public-private partnership shall be set forth by the City Administration for consideration by City Council and be agreed to by majority consent of City Council at a regular meeting of Council.
   (f)   The property owner allows the City to perform work on private property as part of this partnership and that the City assumes no legal responsibility as part of the partnership and that any legal future responsibility for any work carried out on private land shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
(Ord. 2021-56. Passed 8-10-21.)