(a) All areas of the site not paved or covered by a building shall be landscaped in accordance with a landscape plan approved as part of the Final Development Plan. The City Planner/Landscape Architect shall review the proposed landscape plan prior to Planning Commission and City Council's review of the Final Development Plan. The City Planner/Landscape Architect shall provide its recommendation on the landscape plan to Planning Commission and City Council for their consideration. Planning Commission and City Council may modify the requirements of this Section as needed to achieve a successful and appropriate landscape plan.
(b) District Perimeter Landscaping. When the perimeter of the District is adjacent to or abuts a residential zoning district or use, a continuous six foot screen should be provided consisting of an earth mound, evergreen plantings, hedge, decorative wall, or any combination thereof, with trees planted approximately every 30 lineal feet.
(c) Street Trees. Tree lawns and street trees shall be provided adjacent to all public and private streets. Trees shall be planted approximately every 40 lineal feet. Street trees may be clustered or strategically spaced to ensure proper view corridors for commercial tenants as long as the number of trees is not sacrificed.
(d) Building Perimeter Landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided around the perimeter of buildings within the District that includes a combination of natural ground cover, shrubs, flowers, and trees.
(e) Vehicular Use Area Landscaping.
(1) Off-street vehicular use areas with more than five parking spaces shall provide vehicular use area perimeter screening that consists of a continuous 30 inch screen consisting of an earth mound, plantings, hedge, decorative wall, or any combination thereof.
(2) Vehicular use areas with more than 12 parking spaces shall provide interior landscaping areas that make up at least five percent of the interior vehicular use area including maneuvering lanes. All interior landscaping areas shall be protected from vehicles through the use of concrete curbs and shall be elevated above the pavement. Interior landscaping areas shall include trees whenever feasible.
(f) Landscaping and Screening for Service Structures.
(1) Service structures shall be screened from view from all adjacent properties and public and private streets. For the purposes of this Section, service structures shall include, but are not limited to, dumpsters and transformers, but do not include water meter pits and fire hydrants.
(2) Screening of service structures shall be a continuous, 100 percent opacity, planting, hedge, fence, wall, or earth mound that encloses the service structure and complements the materials and character of the building architecture. The height of the screen shall be at least one foot above the height of the service structure, but shall not be required to exceed 10 feet in height.
(3) Dumpster enclosures shall be located in side or rear yards and shall be screened by a durable material that is consistent with the building material used on the principal structure. The screen walls shall be six feet in height or at least one foot above the height of the dumpster, whichever is taller. The fourth side of the trash enclosure shall be screened with an opaque gate that is the same height as the screen walls. Bollards shall be installed at the enclosure opening to prevent damage to the screen walls or gate. Chain link fences are not permitted as screening materials for dumpster enclosures. (Ord. 2015-23. Passed 10-13-15.)