The following planning guidelines are established to help guide and control the planning, development, and use of land in the Downtown PUD District. Developments within the District shall embody the following characteristics as applicable:
   (a)   Complementary Uses. A complementary mix of land uses that support each other should be included in the District. Opportunities should be offered that promote multiple purpose trips. An environment should be created that promotes high quality development that complements existing land uses and encourages positive growth.
   (b)   Concentration. An appropriate concentration of uses should be allowed and promoted that are high enough to create economic viability while also being compatible to surrounding areas, especially adjacent residential neighborhoods.
   (c)   Building Form. The front facades of buildings should be oriented to public streets and public gathering areas rather than parking lots. Commercial and mixed use buildings should be designed at the human scale and should promote an active street frontage and high quality streetscape design.
   (d)   Building Context. Developments should be compatible with the historic elements of the Western Reserve architectural style and traditional development context present within the Downtown Planning Area.
   (e)   Connectivity and Circulation. Safe, convenient, and comfortable internal and external circulation patterns for pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles should be integrated into the Development Plan. Developments should promote shared parking opportunities in order to minimize unnecessary parking. Vehicular areas should not dominate the design of the site.
   (f)   Housing Choice. When residential uses are included in the development area, consideration should be given to ensure that the proposed housing type(s) balance the housing options by complementing available housing products and meeting a market demand.
   (g)   Public Spaces and Uses. Developments should include publicly accessible spaces and amenities that may include open spaces, public buildings, or public gathering areas.
   (h)   Natural Resources. Developments should conserve and integrate environmentally sensitive resources into the design of the development when appropriate.
      (Ord. 2015-22. Passed 10-13-15.)