As used in this section:
   (a)    “Safety glazing material” means any glazing material, such as tempered glass, laminated glass, wire glass or rigid plastic, which meets the test requirements of the most current ANSI Standard Z-97.1 and which is so constructed, treated or combined with other materials as to minimize the likelihood of cutting and piercing injuries resulting from human contact with the glazing material.
   (b)   “Hazardous location" means those installations, glazed or to be glazed, known as sliding glass doors, framed or unframed glass doors and adjacent fixed glazed panels which may be mistaken for means of ingress or egress, storm doors, shower doors and tub enclosures, whether or not the glazing in such doors, panels or enclosures is transparent, in buildings not subject to Ohio R.C. Chapters 3781 and 3791 or any rules or regulations made thereunder, and in any other area wherein the use of other than safety glazing materials would constitute a hazard. (Ord. 1973-8. Passed 2-13-73.)