Automobile salesrooms or sales agencies for the sale of new automobiles are permitted in a Class U-4 District, subject to the following additional regulations:
   (a)    Used automobile sales are permitted only if the same are accessory and immediately adjacent to buildings used for the sale of new motor vehicles.
   (b)    No used or new automobile shall be parked or offered for sale in front of the setback of any building or in a front yard.
   (c)    The facilities for lighting areas used for the outdoor display of motor vehicles shall be placed behind the building setback line, shall not be over twenty-five feet above grade and shall be approved by the Planning Commission. Such lighting shall be of the prefocused or focusable type and shall be directed downward and away from adjoining property and public streets. The use of so-called "naked" bulbs for display areas is prohibited.
   (d)    No public address system, loudspeaker, autocall, buzzer or signal of any other or a similar type shall be used or installed for use outside of any building.
       (Ord. 1977-50. Passed 11-15-77.)