All cuts, openings, excavations or tunneling in any public street or road shall be subject to the inspection, supervision and approval of the Service Director who may require approval of the Municipal Engineer and who may hire inspectors for such work at the cost of the permittee. All material taken from the excavation or tunnel shall be removed and in no case used for backfilling. The excavation shall be backfilled with sand and well puddled and compacted. The Service Director may require a cut in the pavement to be paved temporarily or otherwise covered if the fill requires settling and the same to be maintained at the permittee's expense. When the Service Director has determined that the trench has fully settled, the temporary filling shall be removed and permanent repairs made.
   The opening for tunnels shall be no closer than five feet to the paved or traveled portion of the road unless the Service Director permits a closer opening which will require a permit for both an opening or excavation and tunneling. Tunnels shall be filled with sand so that no open spaces or pockets remain, and the openings for such tunnel shall be filled and closed.
(Ord. 1958-31. Passed 7-22-58.)