Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no person shall offer for sale, display or sell merchandise, personal property or anything of value on private residential property, within a permanently constructed building or part thereof or upon his premises, unless a permit therefor has been granted by the Chief of Police.
   Any person requesting a permit as required herein shall make an application to the Chief in writing, listing the items to be sold. A permit for not more than three days shall be issued unless the Chief finds that:
   (a)   Adequate off-street parking is not available or provided for in connection with such displays or sales;
   (b)   Traffic hazards or congestion, particularly on through streets or highways, would probably be created;
   (c)   Sanitary, health or safety regulations or laws would not be complied with;
   (d)   Such use of property would tend materially to depreciate the value or prejudice the use of neighboring property; or
   (e)   Such use would tend to create a public nuisance.
   In granting such application, the Chief may impose such reasonable conditions as may be necessary to satisfy such criteria and to protect the public peace, health, safety and welfare. (Ord. 1971-56. Passed 9-28-71.)