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Imlay City Overview
Imlay City, MI Code of Ordinances
City of Imlay City Zoning Ordinance
Section 9.1 Power to Tax and Secure Revenue:
   In order to carry out the purposes, powers, and duties of the city government established by this charter, the city may assess, levy, and collect taxes, rents, tolls, and excise, or specific taxes including all powers now or hereafter granted to cities by the State of Michigan.
Section 9.2 Subjects of Taxation:
   The subjects of ad valorem taxation for municipal purposes shall be the same as for state, county, and school purposes under the general law. Except as otherwise provided by this charter, city taxes shall be levied, collected, and returned in the manner provided by state law.
Section 9.3 Assessment:
   Unless otherwise provided by state law, the first day of January in each year shall be the assessment day for both real and personal property in the city.
Section 9.4 Time for Making Assessment Rolls:
   The Assessor shall make and complete an assessment roll of the City in the manner and form provided in the general tax law of the State, not later than the last Monday in February of each year, on which date he or she shall file such roll with the Clerk for public inspection during the normal office hours of the Clerk until the date of the convening of the Board of Review, on which date the Clerk shall turn such assessment roll over to the Board of Review.