(A)   Establishment: The Board of County Commissioners shall serve as the interim Board of Administration for §§ 152.20 through 152.28 and 152.40 through 152.44, but reserves the right, by appropriate amendment to the aforementioned sections, to create a Board of Administration for the operation of the airport, which shall have the powers set forth in this section and such additional powers as the Board of County Commissioners shall desire to delegate to such Board.
   (B)   Powers. The Board of County Commissioners shall have and exercise the following powers:
      (1)   To hear and decide appeals from any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by the Zoning Administration in the enforcement of §§ 152.20 through 152.28;
      (2)   To hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of §§ 152.20 through 152.28; and
      (3)   To hear and decide specific variances.
   (C)   Procedures.
      (1)   The Board of County Commissioners may adopt rules for its governance and procedure in harmony with the provisions of §§ 152.20 through 152.28 and 152.40 through 152.44. Business concerning §§ 152.20 through 152.28 shall come before the Board of County Commissioners at its regular meeting held monthly, or at such other times as special meetings in accordance with law shall be needed.
      (2)   The Board of County Commissioners shall make written findings of fact and conclusions of law giving the facts upon which it acted and its legal conclusions from such facts in reversing, affirming, or modifying any order, requirement, decision, or determination which comes before it, under the provisions of §§ 152.20 through 152.28 and 152.40 through 152.44.
(Ord. 19, passed 2-14-2012)