§ 156.01 TITLE.
   This chapter will be known and referred to as the “Trunk Highway 7 Access Management Overlay Ordinance”. When referred to hereafter, it will be known as “this chapter”.
(2004 Code, § 156.01) (Ord. 03-361, passed 5-25-2004)
   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the location and general design of public and private access to Trunk Highway 7 in order to:
      (1)   Promote the safety and mobility of the traveling public;
      (2)   Provide safe and convenient access between Trunk Highway 7 and the surrounding area consistent with the highway’s functional classification as an arterial and designation as a high priority regional corridor within the State Trunk Highway System;
      (3)   Ensure that all property is provided reasonably convenient and suitable access;
      (4)   Support orderly economic development/redevelopment of the surrounding area; and
      (5)   Support the development of a coordinated supporting road network in urban and urbanizing areas.
   (B)   Conformance with comprehensive plan and state transportation guidelines. This chapter implements the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and the Trunk Highway 7 Access Management Plan. In addition, this chapter conforms with the Highway Access Category System and Spacing Guidelines of the State Department of Transportation and the access management policies of the State Transportation Plan.
   (C)   Access Management Overlay Zone established. This chapter establishes an Access Management Overlay Zone. The requirements of this chapter apply within this zone and supplement the requirements of the city zoning, subdivision and other regulations that govern the use and development of property within the city. Therefore, all standards and requirements of this chapter are in addition to the requirements of the city zoning and subdivision ordinances.
      (1)   Any parcel of land located within this Overlay Zone is subject to all requirements of the underlying zoning district.
      (2)   If there is a conflict between any provision of this chapter and any provision of the city zoning, subdivision or other regulation, the more restrictive provision will apply.
(2004 Code, § 156.02) (Ord. 03-361, passed 5-25-2004)
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ACCESS. A way or means of approach to provide vehicular or pedestrian entrance or exit to a property from an abutting property or public road.
   ACCESS, COMMERCIAL. A private driveway, entrance or road that provides access to more than three residential units; one or more commercial, industrial, institutional or multiple family uses; or an agricultural feedlot.
   ACCESS, FIELD. An entrance to an agricultural field used for the movement of farm vehicles and equipment. However, an entrance to a farmstead, feedlot or farm-related structures is not a field access.
   ACCESS, RESIDENTIAL. A private driveway, entrance or road that provides access to three or fewer residential units, which may be either individual detached units or attached within a single structure; a farmstead; or farm-related structures not including an agricultural feedlot.
   ACCESS CONNECTION. Any driveway, entrance, road, turnout or other means of providing for the movement of vehicles to or from the public road system.
   ACCESS MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATOR. An administrative officer, such as the Planning/Zoning Director or City Engineer, as designated by the City Council to administer this chapter.
   BUILD-OUT PLAN. A plan or concept that depicts full development of property according to the requirements of the existing underlying zoning district and/or the Comprehensive Plan.
   CORNER CLEARANCE. The distance from an intersection of a public or private road to the nearest access connection, measured along the edge of the traveled way, from the closest edge of the pavement of the intersecting road to the closest edge of the pavement of the connection.
   DRIVEWAY, SHARED. A single driveway that is shared by two or more uses on one or more properties.
   INTERSECTION, MINOR. An intersection that does not meet the spacing standards for a primary or secondary intersection with Trunk Highway 7 that is necessary to provide reasonable connectivity to an area otherwise isolated from the local street network due to historic development patterns or topography. MINOR INTERSECTIONS are not intended for signalization and turning movements may be restricted.
   INTERSECTION, PRIMARY. An intersection planned and designed to serve as a major connection between Trunk Highway 7 and the local road network. PRIMARY INTERSECTIONS allow turning movements in all directions and may be signalized if warranted.
   INTERSECTION, SECONDARY. An intersection planned and designed to supplement primary intersections as needed to provide adequate connectivity between the local road system and Trunk Highway 7. SECONDARY INTERSECTIONS are generally located midway between primary intersections and not intended for signalization. To maintain safe traffic flow of the arterial roadway and signal progression through primary intersections, turning movements may be restricted.
   MODIFICATION OF ACCESS STANDARDS. A procedure to consider approval of modifications of the standards of this chapter, if deemed necessary to allow reasonable economic use of property as permitted by the underlying zoning and ensure reasonably convenient and suitable access to a legal lot or parcel of record.
   MN/DOT. The Minnesota Department of Transportation.
   RELATED APPLICATION. An application for a zoning permit or subdivision approval for a proposed development that also requires approval of an access management plan under the provisions of this chapter.
   SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. Ch. 153 of this code of ordinances, as may be amended from time to time.
   ZONING ORDINANCE. Ch. 154 of this code of ordinances, as may be amended from time to time.
(2004 Code, § 156.03) (Ord. 03-361, passed 5-25-2004)