(A) General. The following sign standards by zoning district shall apply to every existing zoning district and new zoning district hereafter created unless otherwise expressly provided in those zoning districts. Only signs as described herein shall be permitted. Municipal signs are exempt.
(B) Signs permitted in all zoning districts. Subject to the other conditions of this chapter, the following signs shall be permitted in any zoning district within the city. Signs in divisions (B)(1), (B)(2), (B)(3) and (B)(4) below shall be considered temporary. These signs and those described in division (B)(6) below shall be allowed to be placed in any required yard setback, not including boulevards or public rights-of-way.
(1) Construction signs. One non-illuminated temporary sign facing each bordering street, identifying all parties engaged in the construction of a building; provided that, the sign shall not exceed 35 square feet in area, does not obstruct vision in the public right-of-way and is removed within 30 days following occupancy of the building.
(2) Real estate signs. One non-illuminated real estate sign not over 5% of the wall to which it is attached advertising the sale, rental or lease of only the building or premises on which it is located, or 12 square feet per side if freestanding.
(3) Non-commercial signs. All non-commercial signs of any size may be posted from August 1 in a state general election year or municipal election year until ten days following the election, and in the case of a special election, from 60 days before the special election to ten days after a special election. No non-commercial sign shall be placed on any city property or in any public right-of-way, including boulevards adjacent to city streets.
(4) Portable/temporary signs.
(a) Portable/temporary signs are allowed by permit. Portable/temporary signs may not be displayed for more than seven days and must be removed immediately after the event advertised. A deposit (amount to be determined by City Council ordinance) is required and will be returned only if the sign is removed within seven days of the permit date. The applicant must reclaim the deposit when the sign is removed. If the sign remains after seven days, the city will utilize the deposit to remove the sign.
(b) Portable/temporary signs may not be placed in the public right-of-way, be flashing, have moving parts or be fastened to any pylon or light pole.
(c) Portable/temporary sign permits will not be issued to a property more than three times within a calendar year.
(5) Owner-occupant sign. One residential name sign not to exceed two square feet per sign side in area, identifying only the name of the owner or occupant of a residential building.
(6) Home occupation sign. One non-illuminated identification sign, not to exceed four square feet per sign side in area, for the following permitted uses: resident professional offices, home occupations and boarding or lodging houses.
(7) Directional and private traffic-control signs. Directional and private traffic-control signs indicating traffic movement onto a premise, or within a premise, not exceeding six square feet of surface area for each sign, are permitted. No advertising message may be incorporated on these signs. These signs shall not be located in the public right-of-way unless approved by the City Council.
(8) Temporary signs. Temporary signs to direct traffic to businesses during road construction are allowed as permitted by City Council only.
(9) Billboards. Billboards, as defined in § 154.004 of this chapter, are not permitted.
(10) Off-premise signs. Off-premise signs are not permitted.
(C) Signs permitted in residential districts. Subject to the other conditions of this chapter, the following signs shall be permitted in residential districts:
(1) Subdivision plat signs. Temporary signs advertising a new subdivision plat; provided, the signs do not exceed 48 square feet in aggregate surface area per sign side, identify only the plat in which they are located, are non-illuminated and are erected only at dedicated street entrances to the plat.
These signs shall be removed if construction of subdivision improvements is not in progress on the plat within 60 days following the date of the sign erection or as soon as 80% of the lots are developed and sold;
(2) Club, lodge, office signs. One illuminated or non-illuminated identification sign not to exceed 40 square feet per sign side in area for the following uses: clubs, lodges, fraternities and professional offices where permitted;
(3) Civic and religious organizations and other permitted non-residential uses. One illuminated or non-illuminated identification sign or bulletin board not to exceed a total of 40 square feet in area for the following uses: public schools, parochial schools, colleges, public libraries, museums, social and recreational buildings, parks, playgrounds, hospitals, sanitariums, charitable and religious institutions, churches, cemeteries and governmental office buildings;
(4) Development signs. Permanent signs of up to 20 square feet identifying a residential subdivision or business park may be allowed if well landscaped and built with colors and materials compatible with the primary structure(s); and
(5) Vacancy signs. Vacancy signs within residential districts are limited to four square feet.
(D) Signs permitted in commercial and industrial districts. The following signs shall be permitted in the C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, I-1, I-2 and I/C Districts:
(1) Signs as permitted in residential districts. Signs as permitted and regulated for the uses in the residential districts;
(2) Business signs.
(a) Within the C-1 Neighborhood Convenience Commercial District, the square footage of sign space per lot shall not exceed two square feet per front foot of building. The least width of a lot for purposes of this section shall be the front. No individual sign surface shall exceed 50 square feet. Two or more smaller signs may be arranged and integrated so as to cause a sign surface not exceeding 100 square feet. No sign shall extend in height more than two feet above the highest outside wall or parapet of any principal structure.
(b) Within the C-2 Automotive Service Commercial District, the aggregate square footage of sign space per lot shall not exceed four square feet per front foot of building. No individual sign surface shall exceed 100 square feet.
(c) 1. Within the C-4 and I/C Districts, name plate signs and business signs are permitted; provided, the aggregate square footage of sign per lot shall not exceed the sum of four square feet perfront foot of building. On corner lots, two front footage calculations are allowable provided both sides contain a major building entrance. The maximum height of a freestanding sign shall not exceed 27 feet.
2. Gas station signage shall be limited to a calculation equal to two square feet per front foot of lot, but in no case shall exceed 250 square feet of aggregate signage. Corner lots may use both sides in the calculation if each side has a major site entrance, but in no case shall exceed the maximum.
(d) Within any I-1 and I-2 Industrial Districts, name plate signs and business signs are permitted provided the aggregate square footage of sign space per lot shall not exceed the sum of four square feet per front foot of lot of this type, with the maximum allowable being 600 square feet.
(e) Where a building does not cover the full area of the property, signs may be freestanding or group supported. A minimum of 40 feet of lot frontage shall be required to permit a freestanding sign. The maximum size of any freestanding sign shall not exceed 80 square feet per sign side.
(3) Window signs. Signs may be placed in the window area of business operations subject to a limitation of 40% coverage of the total glass area for the main entrance of the operation.
(4) Banner signs. One or more banners not exceeding two square feet per front linear foot of building are allowed on the primary side of building for no more than 15 consecutive days at a time. Applicants are eligible for three 15-day permits per calendar year.
(a) Eligibility for banner advertising. Before requesting permission to advertise using a banner, please make note of the following:
1. You must contact the Planning and Zoning Department at the city to apply for a permit.
2. The banner must meet the definition in § 154.004 of this chapter.
(b) Banner display information.
1. A banner may describe an event, sale or promotion taking place.
2. A banner is not intended to replace permanent building signage.
3. Three banner permits will be allowed per year.
4. Each banner will be allowed for no more than 15 days.
5. Banners must be removed when the 15-day permit is expired.
6. Banners are not allowed in public right-of-way or off-premise from primary
7. Single-day event banner signs for non-profit organizations are exempt from the
banner sign ordinance.
(c) Obtaining banner sign permit applications.
1. Permits may be obtained from the Planning and Zoning Department at the city.
2. The form must be completed and signed by the business owner.
3. The application must be approved and signed by the Planning Department before the banner may be displayed.
4. The banner sign ordinance will take effect on 4-19-2011. All banners must comply with the regulations at that time. No “grandfathering” is permitted.
(d) Specifications of the banner sign. One or more banners not exceeding two square feet per front linear foot of building are allowed on the primary side of the building.
(5) Sandwich board signs.
(a) Eligibility for sandwich board advertising. Before requesting permission to advertise using a sandwich board, please make note of the following.
1. The applicant has contacted the Planning and Zoning Department at the city to apply for a permit.
2. The sandwich board must meet the definition in § 154.003 of this chapter.
(b) Sandwich board display information.
1. A sandwich board may describe an event, sale, special, hours or promotion taking place.
2. A sandwich board is not intended to replace permanent building signage.
3. Sandwich boards are available for use during every month of the year.
(c) Obtaining sandwich board permit applications.
1. Permits may be obtained from the Planning and Zoning Department at the city.
2. The form must be completed and signed by the business owner.
3. All necessary paperwork must be turned in to and signed by the Planning Department at least one week prior to the first day of display.
4. The cost of the permit application shall be determined by City Council ordinance.
5. A sketch of the sandwich board dimensions, content and location of the sandwich board must be attached to the application.
6. The application must be approved and signed by the Planning Department before the sandwich board may be displayed.
7. Each business owner is responsible for attaching a copy of the approved permit to the sandwich board. Sandwich boards without permits will be disposed of at owner’s expense. Only one sandwich board sign is allowed per business and is not transferable.
8. The sandwich board sign permit would be valid for one calendar year beginning January 1, and ending December 31. (For example, if the permit is acquired in July 2002, it would expire 12-31-2002.)
9. The sandwich board ordinance will take effect on 6-1-2003. All sandwich boards must comply with the regulations at that time. No “grandfathering” is permitted.
10. Business owners must sign a disclaimer for use of the public right-of-way which indemnifies the government of any liability, if the sign is to be located in the right-of-way.
11. The business owner must provide yearly certificate of insurance which covers liabilities for the signage placement area. The city must be a named insured on the policy.
(d) Specifications of the sandwich board.
1. The sandwich board may be up to seven square feet in size per side.
2. The sandwich board may only take up three feet of sidewalk, and shall not be set in the middle of the sidewalk if in the C-3 area.
3. The sandwich board may only be displayed during regular business hours.
4. Sandwich boards must be weighted down or removed if winds gust to 20 mph.
(e) Displaying approved sandwich boards.
1. A copy of the sandwich board permit must be attached to the board.
2. City staff may move/remove sandwich boards for municipal purposes (for example, snow removal, traffic issues, maintenance and the like).
3. The sandwich board must be removed over night to prevent theft or vandalism. The boards must also be removed if there is any snow accumulation. (The board may not be replaced until the snow is removed.)
(E) Signs permitted in the Main Street area district. Signage in the MAIN STREET AREA, which is defined as the area located between the east side of Franklin Avenue from the Crow River to Fourth Avenue SW and the west side of Hassan Street from the Crow River to Fourth Avenue SE, shall be subject to the following additional requirements. Signage shall be designed to enhance and complement the character of buildings within the district. All new signs, or the replacement, alteration, painting and so forth of an existing sign, require a sign permit application.
(1) Size and placement.
(a) Within the Main Street area, name and business signs are permitted; provided, the aggregate square footage of sign per lot shall not exceed the sum of two square feet per front linear foot of building. On corner lots, the allowable square footage on the side exposure will be the same as the front; provided that, side contains a major building entrance. Where the sign consists of any combination of individual letters, panels, numbers, figures, illustrations, logos or of a line or lines, to form display or sign, the area of the sign shall be computed using the outside dimensions of the various words, figures, numbers or illustrations composing the entire sign. For multi-faced signs, each face shall be measured, except in the case of a sign with two identical sides.
(b) Signs shall be positioned so that they are an integral design feature of the building, which means that signs shall help define and enhance the architectural features of the building and shall be placed so that they do not destroy architectural details such as, but not limited to, stone arches, glass transom panels or decorative brickwork.
(c) No sign shall be placed to project above the roof or parapet wall line of a building except by conditional use permit.
(d) Signs may be placed only in the horizontal lintel sign space or within window glass, or on the awnings. In buildings that do not have a traditional lintel sign area, signs shall be placed no higher than 36 inches above the building openings.
(e) Wall signs shall not extend more than 24 inches from an exterior wall surface and shall not cover more than 15% of that business’s wall. Projecting signs are allowed. Projecting signs shall not exceed 16 square feet in area, projecting more than four feet into the public right-of-way and shall not be lower than eight feet above the public sidewalk. No sign shall create any traffic sight hazard.
(f) All signs are to be placed within 60 days of the issuance of the sign permit and be kept in good repair and avoid a weather condition resulting in illegibility, missing parts or words and the like.
(g) Marquees, canopies and awnings. Signs attached to a marquee shall not extend beyond the vertical surface of the marquee. No sign shall be placed on the roof of a marquee. Only the name of the owner and business conducted on the premises may be placed on any awning or canopy. Internally lighted awnings or canopies are not permitted. Awnings and canopies must be made of canvas or a similar product, plastic awnings are prohibited. Awnings shall not project more than four feet into the public right-of-way and not be lower than eight feet above the public sidewalk, unless they are retractable.
(2) Lettering. Lettering styles shall be legible and relate to the character of the property’s use. Raised letters are highly encouraged. No sign shall contain more than two lettering styles. Franchise logo signs meeting all other ordinance requirements are permitted. Letter height shall be no more than 75% of the lintel height.
(3) Colors. Sign colors shall blend with the building facade to which the sign is attached and be compatible with the property’s use. No more than two letter colors are permitted and, for this purpose, black and white are not considered colors. No more than four colors shall be used for the entire sign, unless authenticity requires minimal use of additional colors.
(4) Message. The sign message shall be legible and relate to the nature of the use. These requirements may be accomplished through the use of words, pictures, names, symbols and logos.
(5) Illumination.
(a) External illumination of signs is permitted. Lighted signs shall emit a continuous white light that prevents direct light from shining onto the street.
(b) Backlit plastic panel signs are not permitted. Backlit individual letters are permitted.
(c) Exposed external conduit wiring is not permitted.
(d) Neon or similar lighting meeting all other ordinance requirements is permitted. Neon or similar lights shall emit a continuous light.
(6) Freestanding signs. All freestanding signs in the C-3 District shall be located, sized and landscaped so that they do not obscure the view of adjacent properties. All freestanding signs shall conform to all sections of this chapter. Freestanding signs shall not exceed 27 feet in height and must be set back at least five feet from any property line. Regulations for tenant lists and major tenant logos on freestanding signs are set forth in § 154.141(J) and (K) of this chapter.
(7) Signs for pedestrian traffic. A sign in addition to that otherwise allowed in this section is permitted. The sign shall be no larger than six square feet (three feet maximum on each side) and be placed so the bottom of the sign has no less than six feet, eight inches of clearance. This type of sign shall be allowed to project two feet into the public right-of-way. The square footage of pedestrian signs shall be deducted from the total allowable sign area for that building. Pedestrian signs shall conform to all sections of this subchapter.
(8) Rear building signs. Signs shall be allowed on the rear of a building. The square footage of rear building signs shall be subject to the same requirements as front building signs.
(9) Signs on exterior walls. Signs shall not be painted on an exterior wall of any building or structure.
(10) Murals. Murals require an approved conditional use permit by the City Council. Murals containing non-commercial speech do not count towards total site signage and are exempt from the sign ordinance. Murals are required to be reviewed by the Public Arts Commission.
(11) Banners. One or more banners not exceeding two square feet per front linear foot of building are allowed on the primary side of the building for no more than 15 consecutive days at a time. Applicants are eligible for three 15-day permits per calendar year.
(a) Eligibility for banner advertising. Before requesting permission to advertise using a banner, please make note of the following.
1. The applicant must contact the Planning and Zoning Department at the city to apply for a permit.
2. The banner must meet the definition in § 154.004 of this chapter.
(b) Banner display information.
1. A banner may describe an event, sale or promotion taking place.
2. A banner is not intended to replace permanent building signage.
3. Three banner permits will be allowed per year.
4. Each banner will be allowed for no more than 15 days.
5. Banners must be removed when the 15-day permit is expired.
6. Banners are not allowed in public right-of-way or off-premise from primary business.
7. Single-day event banner signs for non-profit organizations are exempt from the banner sign ordinance.
(c) Obtaining banner sign permit applications.
1. Permits may be obtained from the Planning and Zoning Department at the city.
2. The form must be completed and signed by the business owner.
3. The application must be approved and signed by the Planning Department before
the banner may be displayed.
4. The banner sign ordinance will take effect on 4-19-2011. All banners must comply with the regulations at that time. No “grandfathering” is permitted.
(d) Specifications of the banner sign. One or more banners not exceeding two square feet per front linear foot building are allowed on the primary side of the building.
(2004 Code, § 154.137) (Ord. 01-296, passed 8-14-2001; Ord. 03-334, passed 4-8-2003; Ord. 03-338, passed 4-8-2003; Ord. 06-0433, passed 7-11-2006; Ord. 11-0666, passed 4-26-2011; Ord. 22-832, passed 10-11-2022) Penalty, see § 154.999