(A)   Motor fuel stations are subject to submission of a site plan conforming to the design standards in this section and a statement agreeing to the performance of those standards.
   (B)   The design standards are as follows.
      (1)   The parcel of land shall not be less than 150 feet wide and 125 feet deep with one side facing on an arterial, minor arterial or collector street.
      (2)   No curb cut on an arterial or collector street shall be within 75 feet and no curb cut on a local street shall be within 25 feet of the intersection of the project curb lines; no curb cut shall exceed 32 feet at the sidewalk line; the driveway installed with a curb cut shall not cause the public sidewalk to slope greater than one-quarter inch per foot; and no more than three curb cuts shall be permitted.
      (3)   The pump islands shall observe the required front yard setback, 15 feet or more of which shall be landscaped and protected by a curb at least six inches high except for approved driveway crossings.
      (4)   All of the area of the parcel, except that covered by buildings and landscaping, shall be hard surfaced to control dust and drainage. Drainage and surfacing plans are to be approved by the City Engineer.
      (5)   An eight-foot tall, 100% opaque fence shall be installed and maintained along the property line where that line abuts a residentially zoned parcel. There shall be a five-foot wide strip of land on the residential side of the fence landscaped with a combination of deciduous and coniferous plants approved by the city’s Planning Commission. Should the abutting area be zoned residential, a 50-foot setback is to be provided between the property line and any principal or accessory structure.
      (6)   A minimum of four parking spaces for each service stall shall be provided, none of which are within the service drives for the pumps nor within the required front yard; also, should the motor fuel station be a combined business, the portion of the site and structure devoted to the other business shall be calculated independently for determining parking to be provided.
      (7)   All lights shall be so located or shielded that the resulting light pattern does not extend into abutting residential lots or the public right-of-way beyond the intensity of one foot-candle.
      (8)   The sale or rental of trailers, autos, campers, boats or other merchandise requiring outside storage shall be considered a separate business, shall be approved as a separate business and shall not occupy the minimum area required to conduct a motor fuel station.
      (9)   No obstructions shall be placed in the public right-of-way, handicapped ramps, parking stalls or access drives.
      (10)   A perspective drawing, including elevations, shall be submitted for approval which indicates an architectural style compatible with adjacent existing or proposed developments.
      (11)   Provisions shall be made for on-lot receptacles for the storage of trash in areas which are screened from the public view.
      (12)   Where vending machines are proposed as an accessory use, they shall be incorporated into the design of the structure.
      (13)   All fuel storage tanks shall be placed in conformance with state fire codes and so located that they may be serviced without the truck extending beyond the property line.
(2004 Code, § 154.111) (Ord. 464, passed 1- -1996) Penalty, see § 154.999