(A)   Proposed new or expansions to existing planned developments must be evaluated using the following procedures and standards to determine the suitable area for the dwelling unit or dwelling site density evaluation in § 152.094 of this chapter.
   (B)   The project parcel must be divided into tiers by locating one or more lines approximately parallel to a line that identifies the ordinary high water level at the following intervals, proceeding landward.
Shoreland Tier Dimensions
Type of Area
Lakeshore areas, first tier
200 feet
200 feet
Lakeshore areas, second and additional tiers
267 feet
200 feet
River areas
300 feet
300 feet
   (C)   The suitable area within each tier is next calculated by excluding from the tier area all wetlands, bluffs or land below the ordinary high water level of public waters. This suitable area and the proposed project are then subjected to either the residential or commercial planned development density evaluation steps to arrive at an allowable number of dwelling units or sites.
(2004 Code, § 152.088) (Ord. 92-56, passed 4-14-1992)