   The applicant for a PD must submit the following documents prior to final action being taken on the application request:
   (A)   A site plan and plat for the project showing locations of property boundaries, surface water features, existing and proposed structures and other facilities, land alterations, sewage treatment infrastructure and water supply systems (where public systems will not be provided) and topographic contours at ten-foot intervals or less. When a PD is a combined commercial and residential development, the site plan and plat must indicate and distinguish which buildings and portions of the project are residential, commercial or a combination of the two;
   (B)   A property owners’ association agreement (for residential PDs) with mandatory membership, and all in accordance with the requirements of § 152.095 of this chapter;
   (C)   Deed restrictions, covenants, permanent easements or other instruments that:
      (1)   Properly address future vegetative and topographic alterations, construction of additional buildings, beaching of watercraft and construction of commercial buildings in residential PDs; and
      (2)   Ensure the long-term preservation and maintenance of open space in accordance with the criteria and analysis specified in § 152.095 of this chapter.
   (D)   When necessary, a master plan or drawing describing the project and the floor plan for all commercial structures to be occupied; and
   (E)   Those additional documents as requested by the city that are necessary to explain how the PD will be designed and will function.
(2004 Code, § 152.087) (Ord. 92-56, passed 4-14-1992)