(A)   Dangerous acts and trespasses prohibited. It is a petty misdemeanor for any person to:
      (1)   Smoke in the presence of explosives or flammable materials, or in a building or area in which “No Smoking” notices have been prominently posted;
      (2)   Interfere with or obstruct the prevention or extinguishing of any fire, or disobey the lawful orders of a law enforcement officer or firefighter present at the fire;
      (3)   Show a false light or signal or interfere with any light, signal or sign controlling or guiding traffic upon a highway, railway track or navigable water;
      (4)   Place an obstruction upon a railroad track;
      (5)   Expose another or another’s property to an obnoxious or harmful gas, fluid or substance, with intent to injure, molest or coerce;
      (6)   Trespass or permit animals under his or her control to trespass upon a railroad track;
      (7)   Permit domestic animals or fowl under his or her control to go upon the lands of another within the city;
      (8)   Interfere unlawfully with any monument, sign or pointer erected or marked to designate a point of a boundary line or a political subdivision, or a tract of land;
      (9)   Trespass upon the premises of another, and without claim of right refuse to depart therefrom on demand of the lawful possessor;
      (10)   Enter or be found upon the premises of any enclosed or fenced public property without authorization during hours the enclosed or fenced public property is posted as closed to the public;
      (11)   Occupy or enter the dwelling of another, without claim of right, consent of the owner or the consent of one who has the right to give consent, except in an emergency situation;
      (12)   Enter the premises of another with intent to take or injure any fruit, fruit trees or vegetables growing thereon without the permission of the owner or occupant; or
      (13)   Without the permission of the owner, tamper with or get into or upon a motor vehicle, or ride in or upon a motor vehicle knowing it was taken and is being driven by another without the permission of the owner.
   (B)   Trespassing on land following notice.
      (1)   No person shall intentionally trespass on the land of another and, without claim of right, refuse to depart therefrom on demand of lawful possessor thereof or his or her agent. A demand to depart may be made as follows:
         (a)   Orally, or in writing, by the lawful possessor or the possessor’s agent;
         (b)   By conspicuously posting, at reasonable intervals, signs which prohibit trespass on the affected land; or
         (c)   By conspicuously posting, at reasonable intervals, signs which prohibit trespass on the affected land during certain hours.
      (2)   No person who has received a written demand to depart pursuant to division (B)(1)(a) above shall reenter the lawful possessor’s land without the written permission of the lawful possessor or the agent providing that demand, for a period of up to one year from the date of the written demand, as provided therein.
      (3)   A second offense of this section within one year from the date of the first offense will be a misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 130.24) (Ord. 95-133, passed 2-14-1995) Penalty, see § 130.99