(A)   Rates and charges.
      (1)   Residential equivalent factor. Rates and charges for the use and availability of the system shall be determined through the use of a residential equivalent factor (REF). An REF has been developed for the storm water runoff volume (volume REF), the storm water runoff pollutant loading (quality REF) and a composite that is used for the final utility fee calculation (utility REF).
         (a)   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
            QUALITY REF. The ratio of the pollutant loading (measured as total suspended solids) coming from land subjected to a particular use, to the pollutant loading coming from land subject to typical single-family residential use with the city.
            UTILITY REF. The ratio of the sum of the volume and quality portions of the total annual storm water drainage utility fee for a given land use classification (as computed using the volume REF and the quality REF for that land use classification), to the sum of the volume and quality portions of the total annual storm water drainage utility fee for the single-family residential land use classification (as computed using the volume REF and the quality REF for the single-family residential land use classification).
            VOLUME REF. The ratio of the average volume of surface water runoff coming from one acre of land subjected to a particular use to the average volume of runoff coming from one acre of land subjected to typical single-family residential use within the city during a standard rainfall event.
         (b)   The utility REF for each of the land use classifications will be revised at that time in the future when there is a shift in the percentage of utility expenditures related to storm water runoff volume and storm water runoff quality treatment. The revision shall be determined by the Director of Public Works, who shall notify the City Council of the action.
      (2)   Storm water drainage charges.
         (a)   In determining charges the City Council shall by ordinance establish a basic system rate to be charged against one acre of land having a utility REF of one. The charge to be made against each parcel of land shall then be determined by multiplying the utility REF for the parcel’s land use classification times the parcel’s acreage times the basic system rate. The volume, quality and utility REFs for the following land uses within the city and the billing classifications for those land uses are as follows.
Billing Classification
Land Use
Volume REF
Quality REF
Utility REF
Golf course, park, open space
Single-family and duplex residential
Public and private schools and institutional uses
Multiple-family residential and churches
Commercial and industrial
         (b)   For the purposes of calculating storm water drainage charges, all developed single-family and duplex parcels less than one acre in size per unit shall be considered to have an acreage of one-third acre per unit. Double bungalows or duplexes shall be considered to be two units. Single-family parcels over one acre in size or duplex residential parcels over one acre per unit in size shall be billed at a higher rate. These rates shall be included in the ordinance approved by the City Council.
      (3)   Storm water utility rates. Storm water utility rates shall be established by an ordinance of the City Council as amended from time to time. Fee rates may be included as part of the fee schedule, as adopted by the City Council, included within the annual budget ordinance. Fees shall be structured to reasonably reflect the cost of constructing, maintaining and operating storm water drainage systems as outlined in M.S. § 444.075, as it may be amended from time to time.
   (B)   Other land uses. The Director of Public Works shall classify other land uses not listed in the foregoing table by assigning them to classes most nearly like the listed uses, from the standpoint of runoff volume for the standard rainfall event and the pollutant loading. An appeal from the Director of Public Works’ determination of the property classification may be made to the City Council.
(2004 Code, § 53.123) (Ord. 01-289, passed 1-23-2001)