Any person desiring to kindle, ignite, set or otherwise start or maintain fires of grass, brush, trash, leaves, straw or other combustible rubbish or material within the City, other than in the manner provided for in this chapter, shall first apply to the Chief of the Fire Division, who may grant a written permit therefor under such proper safeguards as he may direct within his discretion.
In the issuance of such permit, the Chief shall be guided by whether the proposed fire will be located where it cannot spread to other combustible material and will not endanger any building or other structure and will be suitable attended. In no case shall such fire be left unattended until extinguished or safely covered. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, nothing in this section shall prohibit the use of a fire for outdoor cooking or for recreation, if such fires are properly attended and extinguished when not attended.
(Ord. 1969-28. Passed 4-28-69.)