(a)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish minimum standards that ensure that public facilities and services needed to support development are available concurrently with the impacts of such development.
   (b)   General Standards. The applicant shall demonstrate that the following adequate public facilities are or will be available to serve the proposed development at the time of occupancy, including but not limited to:
      (1)   Water/wastewater.
         A.   Development shall be served by and utilize public water and public sewer systems.
         B.   Any individual lot existing prior to January 2000 that has not been improved with a residential structure may be serviced by a water well and/or septic-type system where approved by the Summit County Health Department, and the lot shall meet all of the following criteria:
            1.   The lot is located more than 400 feet from existing public water and/or sewer lines; and
            2.   The lot contains soils suitable for on-site septic systems, and the proposed septic system complies with all applicable health and water quality requirements and regulations.
         C.   Lots that are exempted from connection to public utilities by this section, shall be required to utilize and tap into public utilities at such future time when they are extended to, or otherwise are available and abut the subject property.
      (2)   Open space/parks. For final subdivision plats or plans, dedication of usable public open space including parks and multi-purpose trails roughly proportional to the need or demand generated by the proposed development. See Section 1207.05 , Open Space, for applicable standards and criteria.
      (3)   Transportation.
         A.   All developments that are required to prepare a traffic impact study shall demonstrate compliance with the following transportation level of service standards. (See also Section 1207.13, Traffic Impact Studies)
            1.   Existing levels of service at peak hour are maintained on all arterial and collector roads and at all intersections within one-fourth mile of the site or that such level service shall not fall below Level of Service (LOS) C as outlined in the Transportation Network Traffic Model Analysis dated November 4, 1996, or otherwise recommended pursuant to a traffic corridor study adopted by the City of Hudson.
            2.   However, if the LOS on streets adjacent to the site or within one-fourth mile thereof is currently below LOS C, then the applicant shall demonstrate that the LOS will not fall below the current level.
         B.   All developments required to prepare a traffic impact study shall also provide an overall access management plan that demonstrates free-flowing access to the site and avoids unsafe congestion conditions on adjacent public roads and streets.
         C.   The Planning Commission may waive these requirements upon a showing by the applicant that the impact of the proposed development on roads and intersections will be de minimis.
(Ord. 18-93. Passed 10-15-19.)